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  1. Sammus

    Controlling The Temperature Of More Than One Fermenter In A Fridge

    or stick the probe in a bottle of water, tis was I do, works fine.
  2. Sammus

    Batch Priming

    That's just one mans opinion :) A recent one at that too, I used to swear by bulk priming, and still do for odd bottle sizes. I've read a lot of people have success by pouring it into your current fermenter and giving it a gentle stir, then wait 20mins or whatever for it to disperse. Stir too...
  3. Sammus

    Batch Priming

    that will stir up crazy amounts of yeast I reckon, best to rack onto the sugar methinks. Even pouring into a new fermenter and racking on top of it normally doesn't disperse it thoroughly enough, I stir the bugger up and let it sit for 30 mins before bottling. Any less than that and I get half...
  4. Sammus

    Nowra Microbrewery?

    It's definitely full mash, and I believer the brewer has a fetish for extreme hop levels ;)
  5. Sammus

    Vb Hop Schedule Please

    It also gets said about music... "No **** music, just music you like and the other kind". BS, I agree with bum on every count.
  6. Sammus

    Hunter Valley Chocolate Chili Porter

    That was a favourite of mine of Saturday Keith, kudos to you sir!
  7. Sammus

    Taphouse Spectapular - 12th Feb

    Had a fair whack of everything. Highlights of the day were undoubtedly Wig&Pen's Berlinerweisse. Served through a randall full of cherries downstairs, and straight upstairs. Couldn't decide which was better. Safe to say that berlinerweisse is now on the cards for an upcoming brewski.
  8. Sammus

    Where To Get 100 Litre Ss Pots In particular the last page, there have been problems with them. When your spending that much, I think I'd fork out the extra $50 or so and get a robinox.
  9. Sammus

    Why Has Home Brew Become So Popular?

    I can't understand how anyone can even kid them selves that theyre getting into a hobby because its cheap. hobbies by definition arent cheap. I started it because I like making stuff, in particular (like food) I like making, and can make better, stuff than you can buy pre-packaged. Sure money...
  10. Sammus

    Dry Versus Ferment Hopping

    This thread reminds me so much of not sure if membership is required to visit that forum, but I'm sure half of you are members as ocau. can't help but wonder if speedie is Fortigurn's friend he speaks of. The first few pages are gold...
  11. Sammus

    Storage Pressure For Fully Carbonated Keg ?

    it doesnt really matter, depends on pressure in the headspace. either a little bit more CO2 from the headspace will dissolve into the beer, or a little bit of CO2 will come out of the beer into the headspace. Either way, the amount of gas we're talking about is next to nothing, just disconnect...
  12. Sammus

    Balancing Sweetness In A Big Stout.

    I'd use less roast before adding lactose... it hasn't really got that much roast in it anyway. On another note, big beers are always way too sweet, I'd be tempted to mash low and replace some of the base with sugar. Better yet, if you dont like big roasty stouts, just look for a nice porter...
  13. Sammus

    Receivership Sale - Contents Of Tavern & Bottle Shop

    gold! I want the stove and the chest freezers...and a glass washer..and the ice dispenser... hmm....
  14. Sammus

    How Fast Is Your Sparge Run Off?

    yeah I aim for just over 30L into the kettle, normally run off for 1-1.5hrs as a fly sparger.
  15. Sammus

    Sight Glass Off Cuts

    my 1/2" poly carb tube is from specialised wholesale and plastics in lambton, nsw. I got a 2m length for about $12 about 4 years ago. I'm almost certain it's 1/2" OD, I bought 1/2" compression fittings to go with it and they fit like a glove.
  16. Sammus

    Keg Wont Dispense.....?

    half of you seem to be missing this part of the OP. Obviously not a keg problem. Frozen lines or blocked tap would be my guess.
  17. Sammus

    Cleaning Copper Elements

    vinegar is acetic acid. either will work. weak acids like that clean copper well
  18. Sammus

    Moving A Fridge

    yeah I know a bloke who turned on a fridge after transporting it on it side, didnt wait long enough and it literally exploded, hollywood style.
  19. Sammus

    Quick Crash Chilling Question

    Yeah actually I think it is :P either way, the term "cold crashing" really grinds my gears.
  20. Sammus

    Quick Crash Chilling Question

    <rant> finally, so glad to read crash chilling. I'm sick of people referring to CC as "cold crashing". that doesn't even make sense! grrr! ::shakes fist:: </rant> on topic, you can bottle at any temp. For the beer to condition and carbonate it has to be warm enough for the yeast to be working...