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  1. Sammus

    Is Over 10% Specialty Grains Too Much

    I just did 6kg of munich and 1kg of melanoidin in a 25L batch. More than 10% and it rocks :D
  2. Sammus

    Brewing Classic Styles: 80 Winning Recipes Anyone Can Brew (paperback)

    Yep I've got it, probably my favourite and most used brewing book ever. Excellent recipes for a starting point for a style. There's been a few misses, e.g. his RIS has a target finishing gravity of 1.030, which I hit (along with every other target in the brew), and which is way too high even for...
  3. Sammus

    Grain Mill - Not All Rollers Are The Same

    Yep, as above, "grain driven roller" is the exact opposite to gear drive roller. Gear driven means both rollers spin at the same speed at the same time, all the time, even when it's empty. Think of two gears or cogs meshing with each other, and one turning; so does the other one. Grain driven is...
  4. Sammus

    Mad Brewers Hoppy Hefe

    It was the on at the Wollongong unibar for a while. It has just disappeared with some subpar cider in its place.
  5. Sammus

    Braumeister Brew Video

    I believe brewbuilder is under beta testing at the moment, and hasn't been released to the public.
  6. Sammus

    E-keggle Won't Maintain Boil

    wow weird, I run a 1700W element with insulation and get a vigorous boil with no lid.. that said I have pretty wicked insulation using aeroflex. I heartily recommend it. In fact, I think insulation is a must if you're electric, makes everything quicker and uses much less energy.
  7. Sammus

    Where Did Your Username Come From?

    Mine's the password for all my internet banking accounts, email accounts, and my pin number
  8. Sammus

    Again Free Shipping Costs at BelgianSHop

    $150.62 AUD landed. I have 2 in the fridge and 4 in the cellar. Planning to taste parallel with Chimay Blue and Rochefort 10 at some stage.
  9. Sammus

    Again Free Shipping Costs at BelgianSHop

    eBay seller was good. Arrived this morning, box packed extremely well, customs dec only said "glasses" which probably helped it evade alcotax. B)
  10. Sammus

    Again Free Shipping Costs at BelgianSHop

    tracking number says it just cleared customs in Sydney, no call or letter from customs asking to pay alc tax so woohoo! ETA tomorrow.
  11. Sammus

    Brisbane. 5 Tap Flooded Font

    too quick, if I was within 1000km I'd bloody drive up and get it for this price.
  12. Sammus

    Where To Get Cheap Or Free Polystyrene?

    If there is a reverse garbage place anywhere nearby, they normally have a few shelves full of the stuff, and you seem to be able to take it all and more they might ask for up to a whole dollar on your way out.
  13. Sammus

    When To Add Sugar To The Boil

    whenever. I think it's best to boil it separately in a little water and dump it in the fermenter when it's through the first lot of malt sugars. But that's because I only tend to add it to big beers, and too high of an OG to begin with I think isn't great for yeast, it certainly helps with...
  14. Sammus

    Gas Ring Size

    Whoever recommended an HP reg for the mogolian is insane, those things are crazy on a reagular low pressure reg. Definitely don't need to dish out for a high pressure reg. That said, if you go a different route and need a HP reg, I went through two of the rambo supplied regs, they have a cast...
  15. Sammus

    Braumeister Purchasing Costs

    +5 for MHB The truck one is kinda funny, but holy **** that monitor delivery is insane....
  16. Sammus

    'hop Drops' To Add To Beer

    Anyone try these for making bad beer taste better? Liquid Hops
  17. Sammus

    How Long Can You Keep A Half Empty Keg?

    ive kept half kegs for much longer than 5 weeks and they only normally improve. In two cases they were left for 2 years plus a bit (warm, not in the fridge - a Rye IIPA and a robust porter), and they were much better than they originally were! Sounds like you may have picked up an infection or...
  18. Sammus

    Fs: Kegs, Filter, High Pressure Burner, Pluto Gun

    is the pluto gun brass or stainless? If the latter then I also want it :P (backup if everyone else falls through... and if you don't mind posting it).
  19. Sammus

    10 Litre Kegs (new) Approx $110

    pity theyre not ball lock
  20. Sammus

    Defining A Clone?

    us lay people not trained in the science of cellular biology use the word clone to mean "a copy or imitation of something which already exists."