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  1. Sammus

    Forgot To Rinse Sanitizer.

    Go to the supermarket and look in the brewing part of the drinks aisle. Coopers sell sodium percarb as santiser. Yes it's good for cleaner, but it's also a well known and used sanitiser. Seriously, I've done this a million times and wouldn't worry about it.
  2. Sammus

    Forgot To Rinse Sanitizer.

    It's a pretty average no-rinse santizer in small concentrations. Unless there was a shitload in the bottom of the fermenter and it was a really strong mix, it'll be fine
  3. Sammus

    60 Plate Heat Exchangers

    can you give us any more info at all on these? size? plate area? what's it made from? barbs or threads? pics at least?
  4. Sammus

    Sorachi Ace - Coconut Explosion?

    Tried a few of the mikkeller sorachi ace single hop series at the recent spectapular. It was OK, it took me a few of them to realise all I could taste was dill, so much dill, definitely not coconut. I couldn't really drink more after that. The rest of my table also could only taste dill, but...
  5. Sammus

    Whirlpooling Not Really Working Very Well

    It could be it's your cold break still in suspension. I've noticed that cold break takes forever to settle out compared to hot break. I whirlpool in the same kettle while it's hot and get an amazing cone of trub with crystal clear wort. I chill it through a plate chiller on the way to the...
  6. Sammus

    Wow, Found This On Ebay Today.....

    Maybe not better, but easier definitely :P
  7. Sammus

    Bubbles In Gas Line

    I think it's temperature related. I've always had a fully balanced keg system, carbing at serving pressure etc, and have always had gas in my beer lines. What happens is that because the taps are exposed, they obviously not at fridge temperature. Hence nor is the beer sitting in them, or in the...
  8. Sammus

    What To Do With A Belgian

    I've done quite a few big beers like this and just bottle like usual. I've never added extra yeast and never had a problem. I do bulk prime so I have more control over the carbonation level. I'm on my phone and it's a pain to type much about it, but you should be able to find plenty with a...
  9. Sammus

    Matho's controller

    Howdy, has any anyone tried using one of these power supplies?
  10. Sammus

    Iipa Final Gravity

    warm it up, stir it up, do anything to get it down a few more points. I think it'll be pretty good how it is, but it will get a lot lot better with each extra point you can get it down.
  11. Sammus

    2012 Nrl Grand Final

    wow, didn't even realise storm had any fans, let alone the 3 or 4 above me. doggies for sure, ive been rootin for em since day 1
  12. Sammus

    Sierra Nevada Southern Hemisphere Harvest Ale

    Desired effect achieved :D
  13. Sammus

    Sierra Nevada Southern Hemisphere Harvest Ale

    Yep, seem to be at Dan's now with a lot of other interesting new beers (Ballast Point Big Eye IPA anyone? yum!) I picked up one the other day. I had one on tap in New Orleans recently during American Craft Beer week a couple of months back, I'll be interested to see how it compares!
  14. Sammus

    Where To Buy "real" Carlsberg In Sydney

    Not really a whole lot of help, but if you're ever in Wollongong, Figtree Cellars grey import a lot of stuff (i.e. no brewed under license crap there). They have a pretty amazing selection of imports (including your the euro lager in question), all genuine. To top it off their imports must run a...
  15. Sammus

    Best Way To Share Files

  16. Sammus

    Attempting The 1000 Ibu Benchmark

    like drinking espresso? or ristretto? if it's made properly, it's fantastic. All the same, I think Mikkeller 1000IBU was amazing. I can't wait to get my hands on another bottle. You will need a shitload of hops though. My most recent attempt was 500g of centennial at 10min and it didn't come...
  17. Sammus

    Matho's controller

    Sounds good, cheers! Sounds good to, consider me a firm order. PM me details if you need $ upfront etc.
  18. Sammus

    Matho's controller

    Will there be any more runs of these kits? I'm keen for one of each! :P Also, I can't actually read about what bonjuino is, I get an error when I to the URL. Cheers, Sam
  19. Sammus

    Brown Pump - Double Up

    two pumps in series increases head pressure. it's a tried and true method of increasing pressure in highly restrictive water cooling loops for pc's that enthusiasts have been using for years. I guess it probably depends quite a bit on how the pump is designed too, though, so still take it with a...
  20. Sammus

    Nowra Microbrewery?

    lol I think poppa joe is trolling. Everyone that's had the pleasure of tasting it knows that hopdog makes the best beer in the world.