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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. dougsbrew


    He wants to (has started to} take the electoral office to court for vote tampering. heres article.
  2. dougsbrew


    Yeah, she speaks - still liking the word 'guts' I see, great vocab for a PM. Heres article of her bruised ego, attacking her own party member the Rudstar...
  3. dougsbrew

    How long does it take you to keg your fermented beer?

    I'm able to get my arm in through the opening, wipe the inside with a sponge with a splash of starsan on it and rinse. Top up with half a litre of water and some starsan, 5 psi co2, purge out post, and store. 5 minutes. Come beer time, shake corny, take off lid, sit upside down(1 minute)...
  4. dougsbrew


    Is it too late for her return... i must smile amongst these vile male creatures.
  5. dougsbrew

    First World Problems Thread

    So not 'polling' locally anymore. driving to a new 'polling' venue. i hear you.. :P
  6. dougsbrew


    And heres the man cooking his own eggs.
  7. dougsbrew


    haha, i stumbled on this pic whilst looking for abbotts greatest pics. hehe.
  8. dougsbrew


    lol, he's such a masogynistic champion.. cook the man some eggs.
  9. dougsbrew


    Not long now till abbott is the man. so many great photos of such a great man. Well maybe not so much him.
  10. dougsbrew


    BTW, Rudd is doing that cooking gig on the ABC ATM. watched Abbott on it last night was awesome.
  11. dougsbrew


    Clive Palmer has an ad circulating around the sunshine coast claiming how he wants a better airport for the sunshine coast and better roads. Hmm is that so he can travel better on the way to an upgraded airport to jump on his personal jet with the public footing the bill.
  12. dougsbrew

    State Of Origin

    Three months jail and suspended sentence refused.
  13. dougsbrew

    Poor Form or Accepted ? - Entering Outside of Guidelines

    Well my 2c, at OP example - ale entered into a lager catorgary, poor form IMO. Lets compare apples with apples. I feel its a little disrespectful to the lager brewers.
  14. dougsbrew

    darren lockyer and gas

    Remember when the unpopular 'carbon tax' became a 'carbon price'... Well 'coal seam gas' is now 'tight rock gas'. lol. - My ears pricked up with this tv ad - Which jobs are they really talking about -
  15. dougsbrew

    Funny Videos.... Any Topic

    Hah, took them a while to realise that they should call the police. Hate to see her ultimate form - could it be the big G -
  16. dougsbrew


    Haha, I'll have a boat too. Is abbott going 2 become a 2nd hand boat dealer. Wonder if he'll pay all those taxes and fees required upon bringing a boat to Aus. Or is he going to leave his newly purchased boats in Indo. for the smugglers to steal and use..
  17. dougsbrew

    Att: Sunshine Coast, QLD brewers.

    Good on you BBB. There are quite a few sunnycoast AHBers sniffing around for a group, just needed someone to make it happen. Good luck with, look forward to seeing it unfold. Cheers. :icon_cheers:
  18. dougsbrew

    Re-Hydrate v Not..

    if your game to hydrate -
  19. dougsbrew

    Re-Hydrate v Not..

    Ahh, a question about a question. is this right?
  20. dougsbrew

    Funny Videos.... Any Topic

    Wow Dave, i dont know why artists these days waste their time using words.