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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    James Squire Night At Deck Bar

    sorry if this sounds like a promo. however, i found out last weekend that a brewer from malt shovel will be at the deck bar talking about brewing and drinking. its on wednesday night at 6:30 and he will be doing drink matching etc. just thought it might be a good night and a great way to...
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    Grain Extraction Efficiency

    this sounds like something along what i was getting and discovered i was plugging in the 'wrong' numbers. i was always hitting 55-50% and for the life of me couldn't figoure out what was going on. jayse, pedro and jasony helped me sort out what i was doing. for my info check this out...
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    My Ferrari Doesn't Go Fast Enough

    thats the best bit when the trailer starts swaying :D makes you go even faster !!! B)
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    Hop Cheese

    i was watching a show about cheese on cable last night and they had some 'hop' cheese. looked like a cheese (maybe a chedder) coated with hops? have any of the cheese making people here tried to make some? or has anyone tried some? edit, i think it was a Hereford Hop cheese?
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    Here Kitty!

    johnno, right, understand now. i just did an alt+prtsc, stuck it in mspaint, cut out the bits and then attached it to the post. :)
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    Here Kitty!

    why did i do a screen capture? why not, plus i figured it was a 'safe' way to verify my score.
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    Here Kitty!

    not bad, check out this bad boy.
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    Nt Ahb Xmas 3-6 Pack 2005

    i think we can try and sort something out big d
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    Plastic Electric Boilers

    my old chlorine bucket of doom has been going great guns. one thing i discovered is an easy way to clean the elements. there is an electric jug cleaning packet i got from woolies. that cleans the elements up nice and shiney again. just need an old scrubber and the junk comes off nice and easy.
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    Birthday Drinks

    thanks everyone, had a great day celebrating my 30th, lots of beer and good times had by all,
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    Birthday Drinks

    seems like its birthday season, happy b'day to all.
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    Promash And Efficiency

    Pedro, thats the stupid thing, i've i was keeping track of volumes and the losses due to the cfc etc, but it just never clicked to the batch size.
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    Promash And Efficiency

    duh - i need a fore-head smacking icon. :rolleyes: if i set the batch size to my volume collected + losses i get 72% thanks for that jayse and pedro (and jason) it makes more sense now, no wonder my beers always tasted stronger then the figures i had. cheers :beer:
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    Promash And Efficiency

    ok, i think i'm having some confusion with promash and efficiency. i changed my values to reflect my 'inability' to get over 65% or there abouts and went beer making last night. now this has been driving me nuts, i don't know if i should be adjusting the recorded volume (in the fermenter) or...
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    10l Kegs

    thats always the way, i can't find the website now. from memory in was in melbourne, ferntree gully ??? rather pricey but then they were brand new and made to size/order
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    10l Kegs

    i would say it would be craig from there is also a place in melbourne that makes them brand new.. can't remeber where, do a search here i'm sure it will uncover them.
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    Mini Lauter Tun

    borret, not at all mate. your not alone in doing this :) i still use my 'mini' fermenters every now and then.
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    Big Brew Day

    i've been conned/tricked/asked to do a mash demo (scary i know) for the 4 people in darwin intrested in AG. I think this might be the go for the recipe. anyone in Darwin intrested???
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    Dme Dilema

    Asher, sounds like the stuff i've been using, bubbles like crazy but no other sign of fermenting/activation. might have to order up some good stuff and see if it makes a difference.
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    All Grain Questions

    Hi Beertime, 1. with the ale yeast you can skim it during the height of fermenting as its a top fermenting yeast. however you can use the trub at the bottom. 2. not sure, some beers such as a imperial stout need a long boil. 3. the boil time should be after the wort has reached a rolling...