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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    No Qld Comp!

    lets hope something happens, or we invade canberra en mass :)
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    Stainless Conicals

    instead of a coil for cooling, what about the morebeer idea and slap a peltier device on the side to cool it?
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    Tight Arse Stir Plate

    i built one of these and it seems to work a treat, i need a bigger stir bar however as the bloke at the medical supply shop only had a 20mm bar. the funny part was, as i was paying for them, he explained that he ordered in some other bars, but the guy went to jail for growing dope.... i wonder...
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    Thought I Was A Good Brewer...

    Muga, another way would be to pour it between to fermentors/buckets. i've used a sanitised whisk with out to much problem.
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    Nt Ag Brew Demo

    Hi All, calling all NT brewers! hopefully this saturday i'll be doing a mash demo for a few darwin brewers. so if your in darwin and want to see how (or how not :P) to do a AG brew then chuck me an email or pm and i'll send you the details. thanks
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    Has The Forum Front Page Changed For Anyone?

    i would say someone has turn off the re-direction for the front page. looks like the front page is getting ready to go 'live'
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    90 Litre Boiler

    your not a real brewer till you have a 90L kettle :D :P :ph34r: sorry, i *had* to do it
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    Yeast Container Bulk Buy

    i'll take 100
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    All Grain Virgin Needs Help

    sweet! we need a green with envy icon :) hope it all goes smoothly
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    Brew Demo Help

    thanks POL and Andrew, thats sort of what i was thinking. as for the mill, i might wait for the drill adaptor, milling grain by hand is thirsty hard work :)
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    Brew Demo Help

    opps, sorry. it will be an AG demo. there are about 5 people doing kits (with some doing bits) that just want to see the whole process and possibly start moving towards AG brewing
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    Brew Demo Help

    Hi All, i'm just after some pointers/help/ideas on doing a small brew demo. probably be about 5 or so people. i was going to keep it simple and make an apa or perhaps an aussie pale ale. however, should i print out the chart/diagram thats on here? recipes hand outs? :unsure: any help on...
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    Brewing Software

    i always liked strangebrew, nice and easy to set up mashes etc but due to bugga all people using it ended up with promash
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    Ag Equipment Finished

    looks good, whats the first brew going to be?
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    Pasta Maker As Grain Mill?

    i actually got one the rollers knurled on an old pasta maker. however deadly is right, they are to soft to take a proper knurl. instead i got 'grooves' cut into the rollers, it did work and worked well but it clogged up rather quickly with flour and that was that. i guess it would make some...
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    Advice On A Mini Ag

    Hi Jim, sounds like its all under control :)
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    Advice On A Mini Ag

    Hi Jim. when you do your partials do you know how well your effiency is, how much you need to try and collect and % evaporation . these will effect how much you will end up with. i know when i'm trying to get 12L i need to collect about 17L into the boiler so after the hour i get 12L or there...
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    Advice On A Mini Ag

    sounds like its coming together nicely.
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    Advice On A Mini Ag

    Hi Jim, the 250g of roast barley might be a little strong in such a small brew. maybe halve it?
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    What About This For A Phone Install

    looks like a patch panel i've been let at :)