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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    My First Batch Is Underway!

    Hi Luxy, welcome to site and congrats on the first brew. as fingerlickin has already pointed out, 32 is a wee bit high for pitching the yeast, however to late now :) brewing at around 20deg isn't to bad and hopefully you'll have a great first brew and some of the links/questions here will help...
  2. B

    How Much Have You Brewed This Year

    oh the shame of it... :( to sad to even figure out the value..... i did however buy lots of shiny new brewing toys if that counts for anything. maybe 2006 might be better, but with the wait for freight and going out bush for weeks at a time, kinda slows down the brewing :)
  3. B

    Is Efficiency Related To Boil Size?

    jye, ah gotcha... the one i thing i need to do is stop being lazy and build a dip-stick of some sort so i can measure my pre boil volume and attempt to figure out my % boil off. not sure if big d has the same problem, but i usually get around 25+% boil off, thats in the 40L bucket-o-doom...
  4. B

    Is Efficiency Related To Boil Size?

    thats one thing i really need to sort out, my pre-boil volumes to help nail down my system figures, however since i usually mash in at approx 2.5L/kg and get around 70% i'll try and bump up to the ~3L mark and have a crack at that and report back on it as well. cheers.
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    Birthday Drinks

    Happy B'Day to all that i've missed, :beer:
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    Adloheat Controllers

    score !!! might have to try it out as well, might be an NT pricing plan ;)
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    Mini All Grain

    hey kaitai these are the same as i posted over on grumpy's My Basic Porter My Old APA aka Little Creatures etc etc English Style...
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    Is This The End?

    thats harsh, my old man gets the upset if i don't show up with homebrew to family functions :)
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    Hop Plantation 2005

    looks like i'm following ya around :) i tried to grow some in my dad's back yard down in katherine, it went great guns then just died. i'm yet to try it up here but i'm not overly confident that they would grow.
  10. B

    Hlt/brew Pot Setup Choices

    NT, sweet !! sounds like its all coming together. i might need to come to your place for the next demo :) oh, i've done the drive around for temp controllers, i think it would be faster to order one rather then get those vacant expressions or build your own. B)
  11. B

    Queensland Competition Details

    hey ross, nope nothing yet, but i did find out why my stout marked so low..... i opened a bottle and i had mistakenly sent a porter :(
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    Brazilian Porter

    just use doc's converter thingy and it should be good to go.
  13. B

    The National Competition

    well done batz and everyone else who made it i guess i'll just have to settle for some of the best beer in qld not the country :) good luck to everyone
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    The National Competition

    crap, looks like i don't make it this year.. by 3 points!!! :angry:
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    The National Competition

    well it won't be my kolsch with 45 points :P i thought it was the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places and 60% of the score, hopefully the score sheets will help that out, or someone from the act will let us know.
  16. B

    The National Competition

    hey batz, hope this helps Entry Catergory Sub Brewer Points 149 1 3 Justin Boencke 87 148 1 3 Ross Kendrick 78.5 140 1 3 Ross Kendrick 60.5 119 2 5 Jeff Battye 100 144 2 4 Ross Kendrick 88.5 141 2 2 Ross Kendrick 87.5 134 2 2 Andrew Clarke 79 131 2 2 Andrew Clarke 76 163 3 2 Ross...
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    The National Competition

    can we email someone there and ask if they are ready ?? (not that i'm expecting to place or anything :unsure: )
  18. B

    These Poor Buggers Need Help

    you should try some of the bush towns up this way. nothing on tap your beers are, VB, XXXX, melbourne, Carlton Draught oh and Mid Strength. a person actually asked for what was on tap and the dude just blinked at them :huh:
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    Vanilla Pale Ale Recipe

    the one thing i found with the vanilla is that it fades rather quicky. it might be best in the 2nd fermenter or putting some in the keg.
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    Introduce Yourself.

    hey ooc, welcome to the fun !!