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  1. jackgym

    Why do ALL of my can kits taste bad?

    Hi Do you know the ingredients of Tuatara Sauvinova? :chug:
  2. jackgym

    Why do ALL of my can kits taste bad?

    I'm talking about the kit brewers.
  3. jackgym

    Why do ALL of my can kits taste bad?

    Maybe some of you brewers can take the "twang" out of your beer with one of these contraptions?
  4. jackgym

    Why do ALL of my can kits taste bad?

    Quite agree. I think some blokes' palates are destroyed by the thin commercial crap they drink, like Corona and suchlike.
  5. jackgym

    Coopers getting in on the game of daft brewing machines?

    Why would you be left disappointed? If it made good beer it wouldn't be left gathering dust. Let's just see how it pans out.
  6. jackgym

    Why do ALL of my can kits taste bad?

    Have you brewed any of the newer Cooper's kits, Family Secret or Inkeepers Daughter? Using LDM and US-05 yeast produce a great beer without the need to re-hop.
  7. jackgym

    Why do ALL of my can kits taste bad?

    You won't be making a 150 Lashes clone then. The recipe uses 12g of Amarillo & 25g NS. Beautiful drop.
  8. jackgym

    Why do ALL of my can kits taste bad?

    My kit beer tastes like the real beer you could buy before they started selling the watered down commercial piss of today. If people have the inability to follow simple instructions with kits and can't brew anything drinkable, then they need to turn to all grain and kid themselves that 6 hours...
  9. jackgym

    Why do ALL of my can kits taste bad?

    Wot parties? I ain't giving this stuff to the masses. :chug:
  10. jackgym

    Why do ALL of my can kits taste bad?

    There's really no excuse for not making a nice beer from kit and kilo. When I came back to brewing I made sure I couldn't fail. I bought a Coopers fermenter and all the stuff that came with the kit. I bought a new bar fridge (the wife didn't want a crappy old one inside) and made sure the...
  11. jackgym

    Why do ALL of my can kits taste bad?

    Since my comeback to home brewing I've put down about 14 brews, all with Cooper's kit and kilo. The first 2 or 3 weren't that great,using the can and BE1 or BE2. After changing to light dry malt instead of the BE and US-05 yeast things improved out of sight. Adding extra hops to your fancy also...
  12. jackgym


    Thanks for clearing that up. Follow the recipe is the message. Much appreciated.
  13. jackgym


    It's not a recipe where bitterness is needed, so what you say makes sense. Thanks.
  14. jackgym


    Hi Brewers The Coopers Fruit Salad Ale recipe says to make a “hop infusion” by mixing the Cascade and Amarillo hops in a couple of litres of water just taken off the boil and allow it to steep for 30 mins. Would it be better to steep them in 2L of boiling water and 500g of LDM? Or would it...
  15. jackgym

    Brew day - back in Aus... Coopers "family secret" amber ale

    The Family Secret is a nice beer that doesn't need any extra hops. Just the kit can and malt, and I used US-05 yeast this time instead of the yeast on the can. Brewers say it's the best ale yeast plus it's 11g as against the kit yeast, 7g, which seems a bit underdone in quantity. Either way you...
  16. jackgym

    Fruit Salad Ale

    I found that after about a month the flavour diminished with dry hopping. Now I just steep the hops in boiled water for around 20 min. at the beginning. But you could dry hop as well for a really good kick and drink it early.
  17. jackgym

    Innkeeper's Daughter Ale

    Hi brewers I'm currently drinking Thomas Coopers Innkeeper's Daughter Sparkling Ale. It's one of their new kits, and in my opinion, the best tasting of the new lot. It's brewed with the can and 1.5kg Coopers Light Dry Malt which gives it a full malt driven palate with mild fruitiness with a...
  18. jackgym

    A case of over-carbonation in bottles!

    Probably needed just 1 carb. drop per 750 PET bottle in this case.