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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. R

    Barleyman (mini) fire sale!

    Pm sent for a mill
  2. R

    Inner Sydney Brewers – Summer Lovin’ Homebrew Competition

    Pretty happy with the results, the hefe scored 33.5 and came 2nd in the style and 7th in the category. As expected the APA came last with a score of 17 :( Apologies to the judges for that one. It was brewed in November(!) which might explain such a low score.
  3. R

    Wheat beer Yeast help

    I know it's hard, but sample along the way and you'll notice when it goes from a little harsh and grainy to smooth and malty.
  4. R

    Mid year NSW case swap - tasting notes

    Keep it up then, the funk was awesome and delicious!
  5. R

    Wheat beer Yeast help

    Hey chokers, they are cloudy, it's protein haze from the wheat and some from the yeast. It took mine about 10 days after bottling to lose the green flavour, so make sure you leave it a little before comparing.
  6. R

    Mid year NSW case swap - tasting notes

    Barls, cracked open your "smoked brown" last night towards the end of the night. Could taste no smokiness, but there was plenty of funkiness. Absolutely delicious and reminded me a little of a Rodenbach. I checked back through the threads and no one mentioned any funk and they did mention...
  7. R

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    Style: English Porter (13C) Boil Size: 19.00 l Style Guide: BJCP 2015 Color: 41.9 EBC Equipment: Pot 19L - BIAB to 15L Bitterness: 30.2 IBUs Boil Time: 120 min Est OG: 1.050 (12.3° P) Mash Profile: Single Infusion, Medium Body, No Mash Out Est FG: 1.016 SG (4.0° P) Fermentation: Ale, Two...
  8. R

    Sydney Floor Malted Barley EOI

    barls 1 bag mb squared 1 bag Nick R 5 bags ducatiboy stu 4 bags Mattfos01 1 bag Fat Bastard 1 bag. Dunkelbrau 1 bag Roastin 1 bag Stuster 1 bag tgiacomelli 1 bag tonymc 1 bag Josh 2 bags redb 1 bag Aussiebrewer 3 bags 5150 2 Bags zwitter 1 bag Yeastfridge 1 bag Phonos 1 bag gap 1 bag skwaler 1...
  9. R

    Sydney Floor Malted Barley EOI

    There was an update from Yob in the Vic thread and by the time the malt is ready I may have a mill. But looks like all the spots are taken. Is it bad form to create a reserve list in case people drop off?
  10. R

    Bulk grain buy (60kg) Bulk hop buy (1kg) please help with recipes.

    What's your favourite beer? Look for a clone recipe of it. I would suggest you brew this every second time, this will give you a beer you love all the time and will really help you refine and improve your processes by brewing the same tasty beer regularly. Then every other batch you can...
  11. R

    Please critique my porter recipe...............

    S04 is a well known staller, it stalled in my porter at 1.020. I'm not sure I particularly like the BJCP guidelines for traditional English beers, I've had a few English Porters and medium-light body just doesn't match. I'd call Porter the hot chocolate of beer, luscious and chocolatey. I...
  12. R

    Bye Bye Barleyman!

    Very sad, you guys are awesome! Best of luck
  13. R

    Knappstein AG recipie

    I reckon this one is the ticket
  14. R

    WLP009 versus bottle dregs

    I've found WLP009 to be quite clean, even at 22-24 degrees, that's why I'm happy to keep using it as my main strain. I have deliberately stirred it up to get a cloudy beer, it doesn't seem the change the flavour a huge amount, unlike other yeasts which taste awful if stirred up.
  15. R

    quick stir-plate and starter questions

    I'll defer to BnT on this one, doing some research it looks like White method has a pretty fundamental flaw which didn't take into account stirring the starter. Very good referenced blog post Key take away, you will end up...
  16. R

    quick stir-plate and starter questions

    BnT, my problem is that there is a massive variation between the Troester formula and the White formula. Both have top credentials in yeast. I used the White as I'd prefer to over estimate than under
  17. R

    quick stir-plate and starter questions

    Looks like it should be ok, plugging some numbers in I get 750b cells required for 40l of 1.050. After the 2l starter using C White Stirplate calc gives 479b which means last step should get you there. Mid-November vial is at 20% vitality, so obviously a newer vial would get you there quicker...
  18. R

    2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap

    There was some talk of an NSW sour swap, just not sure if there would be enough interest.
  19. R

    2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap

    Very tempting to put down the name twice, most of beers in the last were superb and if not superb then excellent. About three quarters of them I would have loved to have an extra bottle!