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  1. R

    Importance of maintaining wort temperature

    Umm actual experimental results...? Makes little difference except for stupidly high IBUs. For those saying if you can't make a sterile starter then give it up, I think this is not very nuanced. It doesn't take much of an infection for it grow and affect the final product. Hopping a starter is...
  2. R

    What's the difference between regulators

    Keg King Mk III here, no issues so far. My only wish is better resolution down low on the low pressure gauge.
  3. R

    Importance of maintaining wort temperature

    I'm not sure why people don't want to use hopped wort for starters, when im making starter wort I always throw in a few pellets for the 10min boil. The anti-bacterial properties of hops means that you are so much less likely to introduce contamination via a starter.
  4. R

    Winter Fermentation Temps

    Now the temps are down I'm brewing lagers, latest a Vienna Lager. Have you thought about brewing with the seasons and go lager? With good practices they aren't any harder than an ale and you get to explore a whole new world of styles!
  5. R

    Brand new Intertap beer tap leaking

    I bought my two FC taps about a month ago, they were definitely from a new batch as I had to wait a couple of weeks after ordering for them to come through. I haven't had problems with leaks so it may definitely be an early batch teething issue. However the first time I pulled them apart to...
  6. R

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    This is still bubbling away! When I poured the vial in I got a bit too excited so about 3/4 went into one carboy. So I tipped 1/4 into another and topped off the third with some wort from the first. They have all fermented at different speeds. It will be interesting to see what the differences...
  7. R

    Brand new Intertap beer tap leaking

    Another thread had a similar problem, they contacted keg King who sent out different size washers to fit under the handle. Not sure if it solved the problem, buts it's probably worth contacting KK with a pic or video of the problem.
  8. R

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    Scored 36 and 39 in the ESB comp, entered as a straight American IPA. Technically it also qualified as an Australian IPA......but there you go. It got dinged mostly for being too malty (as in malt and hops were balanced) and only medium carb. Really happy with the result and not too far off...
  9. R

    My first yeast starter

    Yep, it can take some time for the yeast to rouse themselves from the cold. If you pitch straight from the stir plate aka a vitality starter, you might find it kicks off quicker
  10. R

    Nail Brewing American Red Ale

    The imperial brown Hughe Dunn is awesome. Had the red on tap at the Royal Albert, was sensational and very session able. Not quite as good in the bottle.
  11. R

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    Vienna Lager OG 1.049 100% Wey Vienna 22ibu Magnum @ 60min 8ibu Hallertau Mitt @ 10min Wyeast 2206 Bavarian Lager (3L 1.050 starter) Mash at 64c for 90mins
  12. R

    My first yeast starter

    Yeah, I go 1.045 for my starter wort which may help things along a little ;) I think I went even higher for the second step for the Bock so there was some higher gravity conditioning (which may be bollocks) Randai, good luck with the starter, I began with just shaking and I ended up with...
  13. R

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    Flanders Red OG 1.050 10% Aromatic 5% Special B 75% Vienna 10% Wholemeal flour 7.3ibu @ 60min Hallertau Mitt WLP665 Flemish Ale Put into 3 5L carboys to age for 18 months
  14. R

    My first yeast starter

    I use the Brewers friend pitch rate calc and using the Troester stir plate method a 60ml->1L->3L stepped starter is sufficient for ~25L. Fermented out a 1.069 Bock fine. Having said that, I agree that over pitching is usually not an issue especially with a lager where you don't want any esters...
  15. R

    My first yeast starter

    I stir plate at room temp, off flavours are not a concern when building yeast starters. I go 1.5L for ales and 3L for lagers for 20Lish, probably over pitching, but definitely not under. I always keep a little back in a specimen jar to build up for the next brew.
  16. R

    2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap - Tasting & Recipes thread

    Take all this with a grain of salt as I have a cold so my senses may be wacky! #4 chinook IPA Appearance - gorgeous coppery colour, with a large head of white foam that lasted. Aroma - not a huge amount of aroma, what I can get smells woody and slightly sherberty. Flavour - bitter, piney...
  17. R

    Keg King Intertap

    From that video I would suspect that the olive that sits on the lever before that nut goes on is missing or cracked. If you take the tap out, take the handle off, undo the nut that you are tightening, you should see a white plastic ring, that is the olive. If that is missing or cracked then the...
  18. R

    Oatmeal stout lacking body

    If they are rolled oats they are pre-gelatinised and don't need a cereal mash, aka boil the crap out of them. ;)
  19. R

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    Classic American IPA was a super hoppy Amber, it's only in the last 10-15 years they've gone to super dry Pilsner malt bills. The Session episode with Lagunitas goes into this.
  20. R

    2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap - Tasting & Recipes thread

    If you had a said it was a Brett IPA, I wouldn't have batted an eyelid!