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  1. R

    "Dry hopping" with orange peel and coriander

    I would say that the issue is adding /during/ fermentation. Probably a similar process to dry hopping while fermentation is happening where yeast or yeast by-products bind to hop oils to produce new flavour compounds. As per LBC's experiment I would expect you would be fine to dry "hop" once...
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    Wyeast Bavarian Lager 2206

    Hope it's a cracker, I love 2206, it's such a great yeast.
  3. R

    Wyeast Bavarian Lager 2206

    I've done a 3L starter of 2206 for 25L of 1.069 Bock which fermented out clean over about 5-7 days, starting at 10c ending at about 20-22c.
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    2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap - Tasting & Recipes thread

    #17 Kellerbier No pic or notes, but this was f'ing awesome. That is all.
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    2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap - Tasting & Recipes thread

    #8 Kölsch Appearance - Brilliantly clear, with a loose white head. Plenty of bubbles. Pale straw colour. Aroma - malty with a spicy hop aroma, smells a little piney with a hint of clove. Flavour - lovely herbal and light malt flavour. Good sweetness from the malt, honey like flavours...
  6. R

    Band aid from chlorine or wild yeast?

    Potentially, try a pinch of ascorbic acid or s/p metabisulphate in your water before you mash in. The other option is if you clean with pink cleaner and don't rinse well enough.
  7. R

    Keg King Intertap

    I like the FC so that the first glass you pour isnt all foam while you wait for everything to cool down.
  8. R

    2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap - Tasting & Recipes thread

    #13 Oaked Strong Ale Appearance - clear, lovely caramel colour with an very large and foamy off white head that lasts once it dissipates. Aroma - malty with a touch of sharpness. Little bit of sweetness comes through on the nose. Flavour - rich maltiness, can taste a smooth alcohol. Firm...
  9. R

    Cricketers arms

    Try a DSGA with all Amarillo and id reckon you'd get pretty close.
  10. R

    Whats with the roasted barley?

    27.5% roasted malts in Courage RIS clone. Tastes amazing, it was 18% 500ebc Brown Malt and 9.5% Carafa III.
  11. R

    Off the shelf go-to beers

    Modus Former Tenant, Panhead Johnny Octane, Rodenbach, Shenanigans Flight Path, various sour beers (last was 8 wired feijoa) If I'm not drinking my own it better be quality!
  12. R

    Home grown woodruff syrup experiment

    Is the woodruff a bittering alternative? What flavour does it impart?
  13. R

    2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap - Tasting & Recipes thread

    #9 welly english bitter Appearance - dark amber colour, little bit of haze. Massive foam up on pouring, huge amount of bubbles. Aroma - malty aroma, low hop aroma. Slight sulphur note. Flavour - malty flavour, nice caramel sweetness. Balanced by bitterness with low hop flavour. Slightly...
  14. R

    comments or tips on water additions.

    I use the brewers friend advanced water calc, a really good tool. The recommended pH of 5.2-5.6 is at mash temp not room temp. The equivalent room temp is about 5.6-5.8(?)
  15. R

    1st Sour Recipe is this OK?

    TBH you'll be better off dumping it and using it as a learning experience. The problem with sour mashing is the difficulty in predicting how it will turn out, that's why you'll find most do sour worting or sour during primary or as part of secondary. With a decent sour blend culture to ferment...
  16. R

    Can you brew a decent cider from cheap reconstituted shop bought juice

    I dunno, I've been in the UK and had proper scrumpy and other ciders and TBH there isn't a whole lot of difference to them besides being almost flat compared to my cheap juice ciders. Not enough anyway. I'm looking at getting some fresh unfiltered unpasteurised juice from out Thirlmere way to...
  17. R

    Can you brew a decent cider from cheap reconstituted shop bought juice

    I always just use cheap juice for SWMBOs ciders, and to be honest there isn't whole lot of difference I can taste. Last batch was Apple/pear juice with a couple of tins of apricot nector which was really tasty with the nector tarting it up quite nicely.
  18. R

    Highest % of Caramalt in all grain brew?

    I do 20% crystal in a Dark Mild, gives it a nice mouthfeel and at 3% doesn't have that thin feel you get from other beers that light. I think I'll have to try a different combo from 10% each of 40L and 120L, just doesn't quite have the right flavour.
  19. R

    Belgian Red help

    Looks pretty much in order. I'd try and go the Belgian malts if you can eg. Castle. I find regional beers always tend to turn out better with the native maltings. No water adjustments and youre still hitting a mash ph of 5.2? Sugar is added in batches as its simple, this makes the yeasties...
  20. R

    The Yeast Bay strains

    1.016 is pretty respectable, I'd be ok with that. How's it tasting before the lager?