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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Comment by 'BPH87' in media '"My Precious"'

    Hey BYB sweet setup! Love how the control box folds into the stand! And your keg HX is ingenious. What did you insulate the Mash Tun with?
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    Keezer Build - Keezer for a Geezer.

    So you already have the font, you may as well use it. I would put a collar on it so you can fit extra kegs, one carbing the other spare if your font only has two taps? Put the temp mate on the collar.
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    Christmas Lotto 2012

    Wallace have you picked up my beers from Craft Brewer? I left them their 2 months ago and they were still in the fridge two weeks ago? Geneabovill did yours arrive??
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    Toowoomba homebrewers get together

    Ok, looks like Friday 1st of March at 7pm it is. Bring a glass and a few beers to share. If you don't know where Ben's place is pm him for the address. I'll start off a list so we have a better idea of numbers. 1. BenKen25 2. Earle 3. Beersuit 4. Potof4x, somewhat dependent on my work...
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    Xmas-in-July Caseswap 2013 (SE QLD)

    Swapping - SWAP BEERS MUST BE BOTTLED IN 750ML PET BOTTLES 1. Winkle - Saison Noir 2. NickB - somewhat beery-like substance with hops 3. Tazman1967 - Some sort of Belgian, Dubbel, Tripple or a Quad. Have to see what turns out best after conditioning. 4. Rowy - I'm going to out Florian Florian. A...
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    Comment by 'BPH87' in media 'IMG 1650 (Large)'

    Mate what size pots are they?
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    Xmas-in-July Caseswap 2013 (SE QLD)

    Swapping - SWAP BEERS MUST BE BOTTLED IN 750ML PET BOTTLES 1. Winkle - Saison Noir 2. NickB - somewhat beery-like substance with hops 3. Tazman1967 - Some sort of Belgian, Dubbel, Tripple or a Quad. Have to see what turns out best after conditioning. 4. Rowy - I'm going to out Florian Florian...
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    Toowoomba homebrewers get together

    Hey F1Pilot, welcome to the forum mate! Your brew rig looks awesome! When are you planning the maiden run?
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    Toowoomba homebrewers get together

    Hey Mearsy maybe we could integrate a brew day with your braumeister, and you could teach Pete to use his haha!
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    What Are You Brewing III

    Just cubed a Hefeweizen and nearly finished a Nut Brown Ale. Low and Slow pork finally done after 14hrs.
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    Toowoomba homebrewers get together

    Count me in lads. No hefe though.
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    2012 Hop Plantations

    Worthwhile using a dehydrator? Then vac packing them?
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    help designing a 200 liter system

    What about using an old hot water system as your HLT, then try looking around at dairy farm sales/auctions for other vessels. I have a few old milk vats but 5000lt might be too much?
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    2012 Hop Plantations

    So I seem to have a fair few cones on my goldings 200+. If I don't have any fresh wort to preserve them in, what is the next best way to store them??? I am not sure if they are ripe, but some parts of the cones are starting to die off.
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    Hand pump/beer engine has arrived!

    Mate looks great! If you don't mind me asking how much is one of these and where did you get it? Cheers, Ben
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    Show us your brewrig

    Nice job mate! Mine just sits on a milk crate. Is that laminex or ply? If you have not done so already you might need to seal it otherwise the steam will bugger it.
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    Q for Crown urn concealed element owners

    I think it is mate, why do you need to know?
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    Perlicks or Celli Flow Control Taps?

    So after speaking to the knowledgeable lads at CB I have decided upon Celli Taps. They work out to $139 (long shank model 65mm) + JG fitting $9. So $148 each. Perlicks are $99.50 + $35.50 for the chrome 3" shank - $135. (obviously cheaper if you get them from the US) So for the extra $13...
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    What Are You Brewing III

    Hey CM2, The recipe was not adjusted to no-chill, so I think its all good. Only problem with leaving it to cool was that it has been over 28C here all night and I wanted to pitch it ASAP. I usually set my urn to start for 4am and mash in at around 5am, then I am set to brew in peace. I think I...
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    What Are You Brewing III

    Just pitched NickB's Liquid Lunch Bitter, my first non no-chill. All of my cubes were full except one which is full of mould, so borrowed a mates coil chiller but could only get it down to 32 degrees as was the temp of the water. Sat the fermenter in the sink full of ice and it took 3 hours to...