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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. adz1179

    The Cheeky Devils At Brewdog Are At It Agian would be an interesting beer... an IPA with "creatine, guarana, lycii berries, kola nut, Gingko, matcha tea, maca powder and steroids." the steroids is a g-up...
  2. adz1179

    Kegging Question

    Thanks Martin. I really appreciate your help! Seems to be working fine now. Legend
  3. adz1179

    Kegging Question

    i can feel it leaking,.... i geuss it will bubble to buggery... what next
  4. adz1179

    Kegging Question

    just kegged my first beer, hooked up the co2 (pin lick disconnects). have it at 80kpa @ 3deg for just over 2.5 vol. gassing the keg is really loud and i can feel a hell of a lot of air pushing our where my fingers are at the bottom of the gas connect. is this just the co2 pushing out the air...
  5. adz1179

    The Year Of Beer

    guys set out to drink a differnt beer each day of the year... great concept.... but really??? - "no homebrew" :angry: - "Sierra Nevada's insanely bitter Torpedo IPA is ''like chewing two Panadols while drinking'' :angry: -...
  6. adz1179

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    just @ potters brewery enjoying my 3rd Cranky pants IPA... i suppose there may be worse ways to while away a Sunday afternoon....
  7. adz1179

    Funny Beer Related Pics

  8. adz1179

    What Are You Brewing III

    Pilsner planned for tomorrow... based on a nickjd post a few pages back 20l batch 84% pilsner - 4.7kg 5% melanoidin - 0.3kg 2% carabohemia - 0.1kg 9% wheat - 0.5kg mash at 65-66 for 90mins 90 min boil 60gms saaz at 40 20gms saaz at 10 no chill ferment at 11 with 2 x W34/70 dry packs
  9. adz1179

    Dundee India Pale Ale

    My 2c.... Grabbed a sixer this arvo, not too keen. Really sweet, not hoppy enough, thin mouthfeel. As with a lot of the posts above, next time will get the vale ipa - even with two less bottles its a better buy.
  10. adz1179

    Cleaning Glass Carboys
  11. adz1179

    State Of Origin

    Good call! Hope you had some cash on it!
  12. adz1179

    Beer Lines Outside Keezer Issues?

    i just got 2 of these taps for my new keg setup also... yet to finish the build and try them out, but doesnt sound good. Keep us posted if you get any response from CNC as i may need to do the same. Cheers.
  13. adz1179

    Aiming For Lcpa, Ended Up With Carlton Draft....

    howdy guys, about the same time as the OP, i emailed beer & brewer mag (where the recipe originated) with the same questions... not expecting much... Since then I received a personal response from Alex Troncoso, head of brewing development at LC, they printed it in the latest mag (received in...
  14. adz1179

    Shipping Containers

  15. adz1179

    Hop Swap / Giveaway

    pm sent. Cheers :D Edit: i cant spell cheers lol
  16. adz1179

    New Outdoor Keg / Bar Setup - Need Advice

    slight update here... I haven't started building anything yet in the outdoor bar / brewery, but i have purchased quite a bit of gear and i have started putting the keezer together (thanks CM2 for the guide). so i have: chest freezer - fits 6 x pin locks - starting with 2-3 taps and will expand...
  17. adz1179

    Infected Commercial Beer

    Slightly OT, had a JS amber from a bottle last night. Nail polish, slick, absolutely putrid. Consumed within 1 week from purchase and refrigerated the whole time. Can happen.
  18. adz1179

    Obama's A Homebrwer

    That is cool. Lol, imagine the redhead having a shot at brewing.
  19. adz1179

    Need Help With Gas Line Splitter

    Thanks for the tip Nath :icon_cheers: