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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. adz1179

    Basics Of Making And Using A Yeast Starter

    so im going to have a go at making a starter next weekend out of reclaimed 3068 yeast for a dunkel im planning. After reading a few threads i reckon i have the hang of it, let me know if you see any problems with the proposed method. after racking my last hefeweizen, i left the slurry behind in...
  2. adz1179

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    weihenstephaner pilsner - beautiful :icon_drool2: quadrupel..... not sure if this is for me.... 10% abv, very warm & strong which is overpowering...
  3. adz1179

    How To Store Bottles

    i bought a cheap upright cupboard from fantastic furniture with sturdy shelves.... didn't cost much at all, and keeps the youngun's away from the beers (use a bike lock on the handles so they cant get in there) if one happens to explode it will be messy, but fully contained in the cupboard.
  4. adz1179

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    yum double yum (no pun intended)
  5. adz1179

    New Fermenters By Coopers

    +1 for this... my coopers DIY kit fermenter was a fair bit out... check out the AHB sponsors for a cheap alternative
  6. adz1179

    What Did You Get For Xmas

    Hahaha nice
  7. adz1179

    Dude.... Where's My Krausen....

    thanks everyone for all the replies... I got another xmas present this morning.... I finally found my Krausen... Wyeast 3068 smack pack... first time using a liquid yeast.... less than 24 hours after pitching and im nearly at the top of the fermenter - and thats a coopers DIY fermenter with...
  8. adz1179

    Merry Xmas

    merry Christmass all, have a good day. hope you all did as well as i did this morning
  9. adz1179

    Christmas 2011 Lotto

    1.Mxd 2. pyrosx 3.Fents 4. 5. Waggastew 6. Petesbrew 7. Lecterfan 8. pimpsqueak 9. bullsneck 10. QldKev 11. Fents 12. QldKev 13. Felten 14. QldKev 15. Felten 16. Ekul 17. Batz 18. Ekul 19. Pennywise 20.Ekul 21. 22. argon 23. Nick R 24. adz1179 25. 26. d3vour3r 27. 28. Mayor of Mildura 29. 30...
  10. adz1179

    Free 330ml Bottles Nsw

    bump - big night in a few days....
  11. adz1179

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    i dunno.....
  12. adz1179

    Not So Super Infection

    lol, your infection has "infected" my AHB.... every post i look at now has a lovely pic of your infection at the top and bottom - see pics ive tried a dozen posts and sure enough, there she is.... ... its alive..... :o
  13. adz1179

    This Week Could Not Get Better!

    Congrats mate. :icon_cheers:
  14. adz1179

    2nd Biab. Really Low Effeciency. Need Help

    I had the same (similar) issue last brew. Too much water to start with, but was following brewmate. Prob too late now, but boiling longer to reduce volume and boost og helped.
  15. adz1179

    Free 330ml Bottles Nsw

    Ive collected more than enough, so getting rid of some excess. 200 x green 330ml bottles - all crown seals they are mostly Lowenbrau and Heineken imported bottles, and a fair few randoms (kronenburg, boags, urquell, kirin, etc) 1 x box of 112 1 x box of 40 2 x cases of 24 all in boxes you...
  16. adz1179

    Pot Ruined?

    Damn didn't even think of that. Sold the therm and got one with a much smaller probe. If that still causes issues I will follow your advice. Great idea. Yes thanks we're given and I'll try my best to keep her off ahb - methinks that shouldn't be too hard.
  17. adz1179

    Fs: Weldless Thermometer

    Weldless thermometer from G&G, installed but never used, includes all washers etc as new - can read about it here:;#entry850081 this is the one: paid $47, will take $25 + $5 postage...
  18. adz1179

    Pot Ruined?

    so anways I've been complaining a fair bit lately about the lack of a decent thermometer, so, as an early christmas present, the good Mrs adz1179 decided that she would order me a 6' weldless thermometer from G&G and have the father-in-law fit it while I was working yesterday... sweet right...
  19. adz1179

    Mmmhop Ipa - By Hanson!

    lol wtf