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  1. browndog


    He's carrying a lot of baggage though. I bet there are a lot of people in the Labor Party that would like to knife him in the back.
  2. browndog


    Shorten or Albanese? bit of a rock and a hard place if you ask me. I'd like to see Jason Clare leading the ALP, he seems like a straightforward no ******** kind of person.
  3. browndog

    A Beer Accompaniment

    I use a mixture of Jalapeno mix and Pepper and Garlic mix left overnight to cure then into the dehydrator. Delicious.
  4. browndog

    San Fran

    If you have time and a car head north over the Golden Gate and head for Lagunitas in Petaluma, then north to Santa Rosa and Russian River. A bit further north you can find Bear Republic at Healsburg. Makes a nice day trip, but if you love your IPAs you need to spend some time at Lagunitas and...
  5. browndog

    Show us your brewrig

    Where did your graphics come from? they look amazing.
  6. browndog

    What Are You Reading?

    Blue remembered Earth - Alistair Reynolds Struggling a bit with it ATM as it is a bit of a departure from his Space Operas, but holding out hope.
  7. browndog


    It would be great to see some new faces come through that are not part of the rudd/gillard/rudd wars. I 'm of the opinion that Jason Clare could go a long way in politics.
  8. browndog


    Albanese and Shorten in the running for Opposition Leader, Albanese certainly looks the good over Shorten, but how long will he last before Shorten gets the itch again.
  9. browndog


    I can't see him going the distance, I reckon he will eventually get bored and resign. He should make things interesting in Parliament for a while. The cartoonists are going to have a field day.
  10. browndog


    Someone should have shot the woman screaming during Rudd's speech.
  11. browndog

    Blichmann Hop Rocket

    Jeez, I think that 120g of keg hops are going to negate anything added by the Hop Rocket bro.
  12. browndog


    Sorry Manticle, the theme I've observed here and on facebook generally is that my brothers who support Labor end up attacking/sniping the personality of the people they are arguing with. For my lot, I'll put my case and respect others views even if I do think they are wrong So anyyone who took...
  13. browndog


    I can't believe how many vindictive Lefty Jerks there are on this forum. Suck **** for tomorrow.
  14. browndog

    Frogman is back on deck.......

    Ross owns a microbrewery now.
  15. browndog


    So which pollie would be playing what? Best I can think of: Gordon Nuttal - Dirty Deeds.
  16. browndog


    That was in reference to Liam's link about a ****** that runs a bank and earns 9mil a year telling the peons we don't owe enough...
  17. browndog


    I never said we were. But if our government keeps on borrowing and borrowing and borrowing....... we will be,
  18. browndog


    Sorry Stu, but you are wrong and there is 27 pages of evidence.
  19. browndog


    So our kids have school halls, that's great, I have kids of school age.
  20. browndog


    You guy's make me laugh, you are so caught up in Labor's "Abbot is the devil" campaign.