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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. browndog

    Things that have been around since we where kids

    Been a long time Punkin, however Deltek or Deckson, I'll never forget my mates ankle after he crashed on one and the centrifugal clutch chewed into it. I also remember once the clutch grabbed properly those thing really motored.
  2. browndog

    Things that have been around since we where kids

    a Z50J... did you ever lay eyes on a deckson rockhopper?
  3. browndog

    Ipswich Brewers Union Xmas Brisbane Pub Crawl

    We should be easy to spot in our club shirts.
  4. browndog

    Ipswich Brewers Union Xmas Brisbane Pub Crawl

    The boys from the west are invading Brissie this Saturday. Kicking off at Tipplers at 11am then heading over to Newstead for the opening at 12. At some stage we will head into the Archive then find our way to the Scratch before hopping on a train home around 7. Hope to see some of you metro...
  5. browndog


    Shhhh.........I'm trying to stay under cover here.
  6. browndog


    Hopefully the Honorable Scott Driscoll will be spending some time with Gordon Nuttall in the near future.
  7. browndog


    So Rudd resigned from parliament today. Looks like Bill Glasson will be a shoe in to fill his seat.
  8. browndog

    Adding gelatin ?

    I generally add the gelatine as I am filling the keg from the fermenter, but you should be fine adding it now. There is no need to agitate the keg, just remove the lid and pour it in and 24hrs later after a pint or so of murk you should be drinking clear beer. You won't cause any harm removing...
  9. browndog

    Establishing Efficiency With Crushing Grains

    Macca05 you are thinking it through too much, set your mill mid way and crush the grain, then make beer. If you have great brewing technique and your efficiency is up the ****, knock it back a notch or two. Your experiment is moot because on your brew day you are not brewing with a kettle in a...
  10. browndog

    Grain Mill - Not All Rollers Are The Same

    Don't put corn through your mill, it's not designed for it. Even unmalted wheat gives mills a hard time. I dread to think what corn would do it it if you could ge the gap wide enough.
  11. browndog

    Mexican Cooking

    Where did you get this stuff mate?
  12. browndog

    Timmermans Kriek

    No worries Manticle, and the **** Kriek comment is pretty funny. I found this post from 8 yrs back that has some good info from a very helpful BJCP member with a bit of advice from Ian Watson thrown in Also has lumiaries of days past such as...
  13. browndog

    Birthday Drinks

    Well... Cocko I still know how to have a good time, but now have the common sense to know when enough is enough. Unfortunately the body does not recover like it used to. Lucky for me I only imbibe in quality piss these days, for instance, I'm imbibing right now on a vanilla stout that got second...
  14. browndog

    Timmermans Kriek

    Hi Brewers, Anyone seen a recipe for this delicious beer? I've searched here and on the net and not found anything. cheers Browndog
  15. browndog

    Birthday Drinks

    Thanks everyone, hit the big fiveO today and glad I made it. cheers Browndog
  16. browndog

    Queensland Amateur Brewing Championship 2013

    On behalf of the Ipswich Brewers Union congrats to Dave and the other organisers of the QABC this year. Once again another well run competition run over two weekends and several sessions and thanks to Ross for providing his premises to run the event. I had a great time and enjoyed good company...