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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Hard Lemonade Brewing

    I just bottled a batch of lemonade and tasted a bit straight out the fermentor, obviously it's way too early to give a proper critique but I have reasonably high hopes for it. My recipe was (based on ones from the forum) about 25 lemons + rind (was very conservative with not getting any pith) a...
  2. M

    Recipe Suggestions For Real British Ales

    Just ordered the British Ales book, if anyone wants the 10% off voucher (to save yourself the trouble of you know, making up a fake email address, using the fake email to send a referral to your real email address) then here's my link...
  3. M

    Recipe Suggestions For Real British Ales

    cheers all for the replies. I'm leaning towards scruffy's recipe because I'm pretty keen to get into the extracts and out of the K&K safezone. Just a few bits: 2.5 kg extract - so that would be a 1.5 kg LME and 1 kg pack DME? also what type do you reckon - amber LME and light DME (I'm just...
  4. M

    Recipe Suggestions For Real British Ales

    Hey all I've recently decided that the English-style ales are my personal favourite. I mean, I like all beer really but we've been hitting up the British pubs recently and I've been venturing into the more wacko section of the bottleshop and discovered this stuff really is the **** in my...
  5. M

    Hard Lemonade Brewing

    Hi guys, I've got some hard lemonade bubbling away at the moment. I've had a read through the posts so far and it seems like the main issue people have had is it being too bitter (i know there's a really long post somewhere) - it smells pretty good through the airlock so far, and i was careful...
  6. M

    Beer Recipe Help And A Few Qs For A New Brewer

    hmmm, now i'm tossing up between the original recipe or dr smurtos, had a look at the recipe page and it seems to be highly regarded. that a grain? (and so it is steeped) I had a look on the KE Beer Designer spreadsheet and i couldn't see it listed (but it had Caramunich...
  7. M

    Beer Recipe Help And A Few Qs For A New Brewer

    Hi everyone, i'm a new brewer but it's always been something i've been keen on doing and i can see this becoming a bit of an obsession. So far I've just done one brew which was the Cooper's stout kit, but then after doing a bit of research, especially this forum, I found that the 'Kit and kilo'...