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  1. r055c0

    Rollers Need A Clean

    Resurrecting an old thread as I'm too lazy to start a new one. I was lucky enough to get a MaltMuncher grain mill for fathers day (after about 6 months worth of massive hint dropping) and I notice the rollers have a film of oil / grease left over from the manufacture process. I'm not keen on...
  2. r055c0

    Brewtoad vs Beersmith, am I missing out?

    I use beersmith for designing beers, for me it's a great visual tool to see how your beer will (or should) turn out and where it falls within the guidelines of your target style. The brew day sheets are also a good guide for how your day should go but I've started building my own spreadsheet /...
  3. r055c0

    Photographic Project - Men and their Mash Paddles

    If you want to haul arse out to Cranbourne I could probably fill the ghetto requirement (both in gear and location...)
  4. r055c0

    Easily available 250ml bottles?

    do they still make those little VB "hand grenades"? I think they were about 250ml
  5. r055c0

    Style Of The Week 22/11/06 - Witbier

    Getting the ingredients for my wit witout hops tonight so this might be the last chance for someone to talk me out of doing something (potentially) silly, has anyone made a wit without using hops? Was it good?
  6. r055c0

    Great people in here

    The interwebz tells me the collective noun for a group of breweres is a "feast".
  7. r055c0

    Style Of The Week 22/11/06 - Witbier

    Yeah I was considering oats, will bung some in
  8. r055c0

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    I don't have $1,500 to play with but if anyone is organised enough to be able to sort out a bulk buy this fella has corny kegs at 50 for $1,500 in St Kilda, works out to $30 each...
  9. r055c0

    Style Of The Week 22/11/06 - Witbier

    The no hops thing surprised me also, that why I thought I should ask the question. I know the hops isn't really supposed to be apparent in the style. I plan to use Wyeast 3944 Belgian Witbier.
  10. r055c0

    Style Of The Week 22/11/06 - Witbier

    Resurrecting a bit of an old topic here and my apologies in advance if this has been covered elsewhere, I'm going to put together a very simple witbier (50% torrified wheat, 50% pils, orange peel, corriander) and having a look around on the interwebs I see traditionally the style was brewed...
  11. r055c0

    My efficiency sucks, can you help?

    My numbers are brewhouse efficiency as calculated by Beersmith, to be honest I didn't realise the distinction between brewhouse efficiency and mash efficiency until about 20 posts into this thread ;) As noted by a few others here I'm not trying to increase my efficiency simply because of the...
  12. r055c0

    Beersmith mobile frozen?

    Spoke too soon, mine is still throwing out javascript errors, this time while offline and woking on a locally stored recipe. Frustrating stuff.
  13. r055c0

    My efficiency sucks, can you help?

    So I followed Ross' advice with a brew over the weekend and found a couple of things I'll need to adjust for. My mash temp was 4C lower than I expected, looks like although I calculated for the change between the grain and the water I hadn't allowed for the temperature of the mash tun itself...
  14. r055c0

    Beersmith mobile frozen?

    It does now, but it was useless a few days ago. Not sure what changed, it worked fine when I first installed it. Looking at the Beersmith forum & the comments in the app store there were a lot of people with the same issue.
  15. r055c0

    Beersmith mobile frozen?

    I had a heap of issues with BS on my andriod over the last 2 weeks, lots of javascript errors made it unusable, there was an upgrade released yesterday that I have installed and all the problems seem to have disappeared, maybe a new iphone version is out?
  16. r055c0

    vs threads VS not vs threads

    I know a way to do a vs vs non vs thread using bakers yeast in my bathtub, you don't even need a hydrometer because they are for *******.
  17. r055c0

    Bottle Labeling

    Really? Don't they smell bad? Doesn't it make the ink bleed? Does it need to be full cream? I use the sticky labels and as thedragon said they suck to get off so I'm interested in an alternative, will give milk a go with a couple of bottles next brew.
  18. r055c0

    My efficiency sucks, can you help?

    Installed my new manifold last night (same style but drilled 2mm holes and turned it so the holes were facing downwards) and tried it out with some plain water to see how much got left behind. The manifold sucked it pretty much dry, there was only 330ml left and probably half of that was from...