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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. probablynathan

    Meetup at the Cock n' Bull

    Anyone keen for another meet(piss)up at the Cock n' Bull one night next week? What day works best for people?
  2. probablynathan

    Hello, new Tassie Brewer

    Welcome Kudzu. its great to have another Tassie brewer. Make sure you keep an eye on the Tasmanian Brewers Club section of the forum for info about meetups and brew days and other skullduggery :ph34r:
  3. probablynathan

    Brew Day Launceston Area

    Good luck with the brew day. Unfortunately I have two assignments due next week that I should work on so I doubt I will make it.
  4. probablynathan

    Moo Brew in Tasmania

    I can't agree more. Nant is amazing stuff. If you can make it up there for a tasting and a look around the distillery and old water mill you won't regret it.
  5. probablynathan

    Chamomile Flowers

    Yeah, 1 gram should be ok.
  6. probablynathan

    Chamomile Flowers

    I have only used chamomile flowers once in a witbier. I used 2 grams at 5 mins and it was way too much.
  7. probablynathan

    Article on Skunking

    Interesting article, I think this may be the study on light struck flavours in light stable beer referenced in the article
  8. probablynathan

    What Are You Brewing III

    Brewed a Rauchbier yesterday. 2.000 kg Pilsen Malt (Best Maltz) (3.5 EBC) 42.6 % 2.000 kg Smoked Malt (Best Malz) (6.0 EBC) 42.6 % 0.500 kg Munich, Light (Joe White) (17.7 EBC) 10.6 % 0.200 kg...
  9. probablynathan

    What Are We All Doing For Australia Day?

    Plans fell through so I've got some ribs and a pork roast on the webber. Drinking a growler of Zephyr.
  10. probablynathan

    Tamar Valley Beer Festival - Homebrewing Competition

    Got a call, Made it into the final four. Looking forward to a great weekend and meeting everyone. See you there.
  11. probablynathan

    Cider Yeast?

    I have only used s-04 in a cider once but I was very happy with the result.
  12. probablynathan

    How Much Did You Brew 2012?

    21 x 21ltr batches for a total of 441ltrs according to wikipedia that's 5.3 times the average Australian's consumption. :beerbang:
  13. probablynathan

    Fresh Hops- Hobart Region?

    Calcium sulphate can definitely improve the flavour contributions from hops by making the beer "crisper" But it wouldn't make much sense for suppliers to add calcium sulphate to the pellet as each brewery will have its own desired water profile and additions.
  14. probablynathan

    Grain Bulk Buy Tassie

    1 - LagerBomb 1 x Briess Pale Ale (UM5301) 1 x Best Pilsner Malt (1600) 1 x Best Vienna (1620) 1 x Briess Bonlander Munich (UM5344) 1 x Briess Red Wheat (UM5323) 1 x Simpson Marris Otter (1400) 1kg Northern Brewer HNTB1 1kg Hallertau (HGHA1) (1/2 split with Amber Fluid) 1kg Fuggles (HUKF) (1/2...
  15. probablynathan

    Grain Bulk Buy Tassie

    I'd be in for a few bags.
  16. probablynathan


    Just starting Mod 1 of the diploma this month. what other resources if any did you find helpful?
  17. probablynathan

    Links To Decent Textbooks & Articles

    any updates? I am keen to get a copy.
  18. probablynathan

    Matilda Bay - Minimum Chips

    saw it in BWS today. haven't tried it though.
  19. probablynathan

    Again Free Shipping Costs at BelgianSHop

    My order arrived on Monday, everything was well packed and there were no breakages. Thanks for letting us know about this great deal.