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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. seemax

    Ebay Stainless Font

    "High quality stainless steel finish" Little ambiguous if you ask me , and given the price it's kind of safe to assume it's not SS.
  2. seemax

    Monteith's Sparkling Ale

    Tried a few from Aldi ... mahh bit bland for my liking. Aldi has Baron's Black Wattle Ale for $40 a slab and it's a decent amber ale. Looks like their $1/can beer is a goer now too - The Shipstone Crew amber ale and Schloss Pils are...
  3. seemax

    World No Fap February *2012 Edition*

    I noticed my internet connection seemed to be running considerably faster since midnight ... All my prOn torrents have finished :beerbang:
  4. seemax

    Advice On Beginner Ag Setup

    Is there a particular reasons you want to use an esky for your mash tun? If not... brew in a bag... spend the money saved on a grain mill... buy some grain and hops and brew.
  5. seemax

    Tell Him He's Dreaming!

    Sold about 7 in the last month too... good on him/her. Worse ways to make money I suppose!
  6. seemax

    Hop Additions From Chill To No Chill

    Had mixed results with late hopping and cube hopping... some turned out great others really flat. In terms of aroma... best method is to chill the cube down, remove 3-4L and reboil with your late hops/flame outs... then drain into your fermenter so the resultant temperature is right for your...
  7. seemax

    Biab (getting Around Heating Limitations)

    S/S weldless element ... $50 and all your problems are solved.
  8. seemax

    Cleaning Odours Out Of Cubes.

    20L cubes for $6 ... cheaper than the time & effort trying to de-stink them !
  9. seemax

    Electric Element To Fit Hlt

    Weldless stainless steel element ... worth every cent. Just make a hole, screw it up and plug it in. Use 2 if you're impatient... assuming you have the juice to supply them
  10. seemax

    Search Help

    Read the thread of big batches using 19L pot Mash with grain, you'll end up with higher gravity .. boil, hops, etc... then add water to desired volume / gravity...
  11. seemax

    Kooinda Black Ipa

    You can add the carafa or similar late in the mash too if you just want the colour but less of the roastiness. Choc chit is good....
  12. seemax

    Complete Brewery For Sale

    Microbrewery? .... isn't 50L more like a nanobrewery?
  13. seemax

    Extract Pilsner Recipe

    Keep in mind you will need 2 packets... for that price you can get a Wyeast smack pack and do a starter ... more work but rewarding.
  14. seemax

    Extract Pilsner Recipe

    Drop the crystal ... carafoam maybe ... but really not needed. Hops are fine. It wont be as light as the all grain , the extract is always a bit dark ... but don't stress. For yeast try the 34/70 or S189 .. even S23 .... 2 packets rehydrated and pitched at your ferment temp (approx 10C)...
  15. seemax

    Adding Grain To A Kilkenny Kit & Kilo Recipe?

    Try some nice dark crystal (Bairds or Simpsons), as above around 200g and perhaps some Choc Malt or Choc Chit for some roasty/coffee flavours.... 50-100g
  16. seemax

    Keg About To Blow

    You can never have enough kegs and at $70 for cornies there is no excuse!
  17. seemax

    Summer Citra Ale Mash

    Dry hop with citra .. 20g if you want a good cirtrus hit .. Can't see EKG going too well .. but hey anything is possible
  18. seemax

    Naturally Carbing Kegs + Soda Stream To Dispense

    You should be able to dispense a corny with 2 x 16g bulbs... which are cheap in bulk
  19. seemax

    Naturally Carbing Kegs + Soda Stream To Dispense

    I would get 2 corny kegs (as cheap as $60), but budget $70ea Basic chinese regulator $50 incl shipping from various sellers on evilbay You'll need some gas/beer line ($1/m) at a minimum 1 gas disconnect and 2 beer outs and picnic taps Don't discount the option of natural carbing plus...
  20. seemax

    Beginner Kegging Set-up

    if you want to save even more, get your disconnects, tube, splitters, taps, etc from the USA - check out $15 postage up to 4lb ... not the regulator though as they use a different thread - i've been using the cheapest reg from ebay for ages, besides a squeaky adjuster its been...