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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. seemax

    How Do You Receive Television?

    What's live TV? Besides watching the Hawks play AFL (when it's actually on TV) and primarily to satisfy my sons obsession I never watch it. I actually perused the Foxtel TV guide out of complete curiosity ... and pondered who is paying for this trash. I watch the odd TV series , don't mind...
  2. seemax

    Opening Then Closing A Cube

    I've been using taps on my cubes (blue Willow 20L) for years now ... I can drain a sample to check the gravity or as I have done once or twice drain 1L for a starter all without opening the lid. Probably wouldn't open the lid .. only on occasions to let the CO2 out during fermentation, but...
  3. seemax

    What Should I Do

    do your own research vinegar + bleach produces chlorine gas ... not something i want to inhale
  4. seemax

    Melbourne/vic Grain Bulk Buy (april '12)

    Prices are here
  5. seemax

    No Chill Advice

    Do your normal brew minus the late additions and no chill as per normal. When you're ready to ferment, chill the cube to say 4C. Remove approx 4L and bring up to boil, and then add your 15min, 5min, 0min, etc hops additions...strain into your ferment, add the contents of the chilled cube and if...
  6. seemax

    Jw Pilsner Malt

    Just use it in your APA's and add some spec malt (take your pic) to adjust for color... with enough hops you wont know the difference!
  7. seemax

    Hop Bioling

    Ok I've had a few... should be... 5g @ 15mins = throw in 5g and boil for 15 minutes
  8. seemax

    Hop Bioling

    5g @ 15mins = throw in 5g for 30minutes 0mins = flameout ... throw them in, lid on a sit for a while before draining through chiller or into cube. Typically most people boil for 60mins and to a lesser degree 90mins. Generally speaking , early additions (ie @60mins) are for bittering and late...
  9. seemax

    Keg King Elements

    Have being using one for about 15 brews with no issues. Element has no sign of rust .. I give it a quick scrub after each brew with sodium perc. I agree the wire size is too small for constant use at 9A. Typically minimum size is 2.5mm^2. The wires get warm and soft, but still touchable by hand...
  10. seemax

    Vic July 2012 Caseswap!

    1. Fenton 2. Trippers 3. Luke C 4. Hairofthedog 5. Shane R 6. Darkfaerytales (Strong scotch ale) 7. Iamozziyob 8. WarmBeer 9. Wolfman 10.Lecterfan (if open to Ballaratians? I learnt heaps last year and would like to build on that if possible...). 11. Midnight Brew 12. Charst 13. bullsneck 14...
  11. seemax

    I Got Bored At Easter

    I made.... BEER :chug:
  12. seemax

    Arduino Development Thread

    Bought one of these about 6 months ago and it works fine with my Arduino Demi. Easy to install too, just make sure you get a snug fit as the seal isn't very wide.
  13. seemax

    Kegs Just Arrived, Kegorator/keezernot Here Yet, What To Do?

    he has kegs but possibly not picnic taps or a pluto gun to easily dispense the beer even if it was force carbed nothing wrong with naturally carbonating kegs... you can store them at room temp, saves CO2 (although it's darn cheap) and honestly it's only the first pint that's yeasty.. but still...
  14. seemax

    Kegs Just Arrived, Kegorator/keezernot Here Yet, What To Do?

    Rack into the keg, add 80g of dextrose (dissolved ideally) ... keep at it 20C roughly and in 2 weeks or so you'll have carbonated (natural) beer just like a bottle only 19L !
  15. seemax

    Wanted - Stc 1000

    They are under $20 delivered on evilBay now... hardly worth it. Can even get a knock PID for $20 delivered -
  16. seemax

    Chilling And Pitching?

    If you're in such a pickle why would you chill and cube it as opposed to no-chill cube it?
  17. seemax

    Advice Please - Crush The Oats?

    Done several stouts using cheapo quick oats ... slow roasted in the oven at 100C until brown and biscuity ... then straight in the mash.. has worked well.
  18. seemax

    AHB Articles: Fermenting Directly in the No-chill Cube

    Rays or Aussie Disposals or similar might have lid separately. I've been using the blue Willow cubes and found the blue lids to be a bit variable in terms of sealing. The black lids from the traditional cubes are better. Been chilling and fermenting in the Willow cubes for years now with great...
  19. seemax

    Pot Choice

    I've got two aluminium pots surplus to my needs - an older 35L with glass lid and a nice 40L with lid. $30 and $50 respectively. Both have holes and I can rig a pickup and basic tap system... even got a big sheet of swiss voile to suit either pot for BIAB. All you need is a burner (or install...
  20. seemax

    Elbow Piece For Kettle Pickup?

    Stainless steel right angle ... pointed straight down as close as possible to the bottom ... add some extra all-thread cut to size if needed. With a good whirlpool and whirlfloc or similar you can basically drain most of the wort (easier for since my 80L pot is 46cm wide) without much trub.