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  1. C

    Gas Burner - Have I bought a dud?

    used them for many years in uk at work. we were forced to change them about every 3 months so they could be 'maintained' by the workshop. it was very strange how one identical stove could be so different than the next. so much so, that when we got a good one it was kept and we just continually...
  2. C

    Dodgy Digiboil Wiring?

    hard to see again. does the LED light work on the main on/off switch. i thought that that LED light cable should go to neutral if the other two poles are active.
  3. C

    Dodgy Digiboil Wiring?

    found a pic of my original wiring. mains brown active goes into the relay circuitry, then to the individual element switches. (the extra red with the brown goes to the pump active) the mains blue neutral is common with bridged element ends. the bridge on the element ends also have the neutral...
  4. C

    Dodgy Digiboil Wiring?

    hmmmmmm. i have been discussing the re-wire recently and looking at some supplied pictures in the thread. a 120v digiboil 2-element, a 240v 3-element digiboil and my 240v 2-element brewzilla are wired different than yours. ie +ve feed through the PID, controlled by relay to the element on/off...
  5. C

    Dodgy Digiboil Wiring?

    hard to see properly but........... is that black wire going to the elements, where they are bridged? if so, the +ve seems to be connected to that. i have re-wired my brewzilla, and i don't think it was that way round. the bridged end of the my elements were going to the -ve
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    RecipeDB - Powderkeg GB

    i was just reading about the tilt, didn't realise it was only bluetooth, and problematic.
  7. C

    RecipeDB - Powderkeg GB

    it wouldn't be the first (or last) thing to be affluenced by incohol ;) isn't there some brix calculator stuff you can use? anyway, the hydro was the only way i could tell it was still going, very very slowly. i don't really like taking the lid off too much, but the only way was to plonk the...
  8. C

    RecipeDB - Powderkeg GB

    i followed the recipe exactly. OG was 1030 i didn't know what to do as the recipe says 1048. i thought the addition of the vermouth & sherry might bugger the OG reading, so i just let it run. fermented out to 998. so the abv will be about 4.7% (bottled) and not the 7%, so thats good. took...
  9. C

    Woke up to the smell of Beer!

    i use the bottle wand, and whatever space it leaves in the neck. 40mm in a 640ml bottle and 50mm in a grolsch. BTW just seen your image with tetley's, one of my favourite pints. note to self-must try a tetley clone
  10. C

    Woke up to the smell of Beer!

    did the glass break or did the tops fly off? 'never use glass bottles' where they old grolshies, were the seals perished? i just bottled a batch of powderkeg GB with a combo of grolsch, new HBS flips & a few 330ml beer bottles. i was nervous about GB stories, but i think that i'd be more nervous...
  11. C

    Brewart - anyone use?

    early in the morning, i would mix it up with my coffee machine and end up going to work half -pissed :) you wouldn't get much change out of $1500 to start up either. according to the video, the dispenser applies air pressure to the outside of the 5l vessel, which is like a wine bladder. the...
  12. C

    A good but very simple and basic recipe

    a great set up. can't advise on yeast, but maybe i would be thinking about building a small cool room with insulated sheets. you could wheel the unit in there to keep temps constant and keep the whole unit clean. it looks like you have the space and skills. :)
  13. C

    Inkbird wifi thermostat

    i would start by placing the inkbird near your main wifi router for a while to rule out signal problems. if it keeps dropping out near a good wifi signal, you might have a faulty unit.
  14. C

    Ginger beer recipe

    $4.90 is the cost of a 1 kg jar of ginger paste from coles (maharajah brand, made in india) what can go wrong? :)
  15. C

    Ginger beer recipe

    [QU ="BananaMan, post: 1561412, member: 99837"] Yeah I know what you mean flavor wise. That's why I was thinking that 1kg of jar ginger per 10 liters of liquid you work. Let us know how it turns out, might need to up the ginger content. OR even add ground ginger 🤔🤔 i went to a few sites and a...
  16. C

    Ginger beer recipe

    there wasn't any boiling as such, although i did have the fresh ginger in boiling water for a few minutes to clean it. (i think i've read somewhere that ginger has some natural yeast on it's skin):confused: TBH i was just going to throw it all in, bits an all. the 500gm of fresh ginger i used in...
  17. C

    Ginger beer recipe

    got a bottle today, 1kg for $4.90. 94% ginger, so unless i hear bad reports, it will go the next powderkeg (if my current and first attempt goes ok) if we do get bad reports, i will have enough ginger for curries for a long long long time.:)
  18. C

    Third time lucky ginger beer

    i had to read that twice tbh i think he is substituting the 500gm of fresh ginger with the equivalent juice from the bottle. the blurb says the bottled stuff is 99.7% ginger juice. i just put my ginger through the fine julienne blades of a mandoline and give it a bit of a chop up. no idea how...
  19. C

    Third time lucky ginger beer

    i got 700gm from spudshed the other day at $38/K (coles was $49/K) quality wasn't great though. 500gm is in a powderkeg and i've saved 2 big pieces to plant. my powderkeg is slow to take off, didn't use the nutrient sachet. is there anything else i could add after 2 days to get things going...