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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Wimmig

    Lion To Purchase Little World Beverages

    Pretty much done and dusted says the workers. SB the first to go? Short odds?
  2. Wimmig

    Boil Pot Volume Guage

    If you don't want to go with a sight-glass (which at the moment can be had cheaply from US), and don't want to make external pen markings there is another option. A cheap engraver from dirtybay will have you fixed in no time. Pencil them in the inside, and engrave away a quick line or X with X -...
  3. Wimmig

    Fruit Tingle Taste In Wort

    I would chuck it.
  4. Wimmig

    How To Build A High Pressure Burner

    Being the wet drag... i do hope anybody doing this sort of project is aware of the dangers, and well trained in the needed design aspects to ensure a safe outcome.
  5. Wimmig

    What Are You Brewing III

    Centrum Saison Est Mash Efficiency: 86.4 % Boil Time: 90 Minutes Ingredients: ------------ Amt Name Type # %/IBU 1.00 tbsp PH 5.2 Stabilizer (Mash 80.0 mins) Water Agent 1 -...
  6. Wimmig

    Why Do You Brew The Things That You Brew?

    Because being able to call my beers things like Rye Sense of Humour is too much for me to pass up.
  7. Wimmig

    $15 Lcpa Stubbies

    Depends on what they allow as BYO. Within reason, BYO can be whatever the venue deems ok, though is mostly wine and increasingly beer. It's interesting what venues do though with their capability under BYO or corkage. I've taken bottles of wine from 750ml - 5L and beers the same. Mini kegs, 9L...
  8. Wimmig

    Hops To Use - Recipe Suggestion?

    Ha, well i didn't realise i had such rubbish of course you can ha......Waiiitt a moment. Thanks for all the comments all, i'll shake up a few batches and make some wild mixes and see what goes down. Got stuck in a bit of a rut with the excess hops but i'll go at it with new found vigour...
  9. Wimmig

    Hops To Use - Recipe Suggestion?

    Thanks for that DKS. There is a fair whack of them, i'm thinking a citra bomb to kick if off.
  10. Wimmig

    Hops To Use - Recipe Suggestion?

    I need to clean out some hops, and am a bit stuck with what to use them for. I've been going through a fair chunk lately with modified recipes etc though many remain. I've got the below, and would love some suggestions on using up a fair whack them... Amarillo - 60g Apollo - 63g Aurora - 51g...
  11. Wimmig

    Co2 Cylinder - Rental Or Not

    This is kegking correct? If so, i'm upgrading from the little one! Solid deal, save the extra $49 the 6kg one normally costs ($249 with free delivery).
  12. Wimmig

    Co2 Cylinder - Rental Or Not

    Same here, if it's the 6kg one, and comes full as do the smaller ones i'll buy one too.
  13. Wimmig

    Co2 Cylinder - Rental Or Not

    Alot of big pet stores that deal in reptiles and large water setups will have co2 stations for customer filling. They use c02 to kill rats etc for pets like snakes, and c02 in disolved solution for big tank setups with plants etc.
  14. Wimmig

    Speidels Braumeister. Impressive Yes. Expensive Yes.

    I hold 0 doubt that if possible, Mark would be more than happy to assist you where possible.
  15. Wimmig

    Co2 Cylinder - Rental Or Not

    How much gas do you need? I run a little kegking one and reckon i would get it filled about 4 times year. Cost $169 new, full, delivered. Cost about $19 - $26 fill depending where i go. For the most part, pet stores. I would take a guess they are more than a typical bulk output place, but cheap...
  16. Wimmig

    What Are You Brewing III

    Wednesday coming; House Wheat V2 1.32 tbsp PH 5.2 Stabilizer (Mash 60.0 mins) Water Agent 1 - 3170.00 g Wheat Malt, Ger (3.9 EBC) Grain 2 64.4 % 1250.00 g Pilsner (2 Row) Ger (3.9 EBC) Grain 3 25.4 % 200.00 g Cara-Pils/Dextrine (3.9 EBC) Grain 4 4.1 % 150.00 g Acid Malt (5.9 EBC) Grain 5...
  17. Wimmig

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Coopers sparkling atm. $14.99 / 6..good value.
  18. Wimmig

    Ipa Barrells On The Ferry.

    Ha, love it. Willie Simpson has always been a fav. of mine, he's a champ. I'd love to have Willie @ Chester Osborn out together on a trade night. Talk about a riot!