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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    Has Anyone Dealt With This Guy?

    sorry to hear :D
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    Has Anyone Dealt With This Guy?

    Ive found duanes the best by far on the central coast.Stocks wyeast,keg gear etc and any grain ive ever needed (never needed carahell xviiiii)Its great finally having a quality homebrew store on the coast at last. (even does a round of bulkbuys every now and then so ya can get ya sacks cheap)
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    Ball Bag Bitter

    . How do You know what that tastes like? :)
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    Nsw Amateur Brewing Competition

    you get a score sheet returned to you,with marks and helpful comments.
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    Kiwi Homebrewer Wins Gold At Asian Beer Awards

    If that's the case,Same could be said for automated systems such as braumeisters.
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    3 Piece Ball Valve? I Think Not!

    Went back to 2 piece,easier to clean and assemble I find.
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    Single Vessel Brewery

    how much to roll up a vat like that?
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    Online Ordering Nz Hops

    On another note,anyone getting ekg plugs direct from the uk?
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    Don't Leave Your Hoses Outside

    Yeh,I allways jet them out with the garden hose first.....had a cooked cricket in my kettle hose barb once,when I went to drain kettle it spluttered and farted and legs and shell flewout into the fermentor...tasted fine.
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    Beer Belly Wort Chiller

    I use the prechiller (only occasionally) for the last 10min of immersion once my imersion chiller gets the wort to say 22, I hook up the prechiller,helps me to get to 16c,when my tank water won't get me lower without it.ive never bothered seeing how low it will get the wort,I don't...
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    Beer Belly Wort Chiller

    Basic prechiller of mine
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    Exploding Keg Kills

    He died...
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    Exploding Keg Kills

    Overpressured and a dodgy relief valve? Who knows...
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    Using Scales Instead Of A Sight Glass..

    Thin bit of alluminium flat bar (say 2-3mm thick by 25mm wide)bend one end nicely over so it hooks onto lip of pot Mark it at litre or so increments and then engrave permanently. Hook on hook off.bunnings bought
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    Exploding Keg Kills
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    Fresh Hop Cones: Anyone Know What Sort They Are

    she got any other "plants" she grows for the hell of it ;)
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    Hermit Coil Heat Exchange Build

    Whats the basic operation of such a unit? Im a single infusion man... Do you.. 1. Dough in with appropriate water from HLT..2.Recirculate through HX back to MLT. Does the HX contents need to be pre heated before the first recirc? Where do u measure the wort temp in the tun to control the HX...