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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    Counter Flow Chiller

    Hi Sosman, Like roach I got one from Goliaths, a nice unit, but find I have to pump my wort through it, is way too slow otherwise. Good luck with the gravity feed. Cheers
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    Micro Brewery Opening In Barossa Valley

    PS GMK, ever heard of Trinns (?) engineering? Up in the Barossa Valley. Possibly doing the work on your Barossa Brewery.
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    Micro Brewery Opening In Barossa Valley

    Guys, I don't think the Kadina brewery actually exists yet.... still at design stage, apparently. When it does I think it will be out in a farmers paddock a few k's out of Kadina on the Alford road. Cheers
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    Micro Brewery Opening In Barossa Valley

    My spies tell me it may be something to do with the son of a chap that owns one of the local engineering companies.
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    Guess What Arrived Today ! Refractometers !

    Yup, it got delivered down here in Middleton 11.30 am today (Tues 5th). Thanks Batz, you are a champion! Cheers
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    Where To Buy A Refractometer

    Hi Batz, sent you an eamil at [email protected] yesterday. can you email or PM me account/payment details? I dont want to hold you back from ordering on Wednesday... Cheers
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    Where To Buy A Refractometer

    Hi Batz, Ditto, email just sent Cheers
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    Where To Buy A Refractometer

    Yup, just to confirm I'm still in, Batz. Just let us know how you want the dough... Cheers
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    Where To Buy A Refractometer

    Hi Batz, Make it 11, your price is better than I can get through winery sources.. Can you please PM me about how to get the money to you? Cheers
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    How To Find Out About Stuff ?

    Try Dogpile ( It's a meta-search engine that simultaneously searches multiple standard search engines like google.... Cheers.
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    Buying Second Hand Kegs

    Keneasy, if you don't mind spending up, try Craig Deacon at KegSystems Australia. They are on the net somewhere, and sell recon and new kegs. Cheers
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    Belgian Strong Sugar Water!

    "As a backup can anyone suggest a good wine/Champaign yeast to finish this beer off ?" Ask GMK, maybe you could try some....... ZINFANDEL!!!! Sorry Ken, you'll never live it down..... Cheers
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    All Grain Get Togethers

    Actually, I would never say no to glass from one of Ken's kegs. If the 'Baroosa' ever got a microbrewery, He could walk in there and hold his head high...
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    Big Beers Experimentation

    YES! You MUST use the Zinfadel on this one, Ken. :P :D :D Cheers!
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    Barossa Brewhaus Brew Day

    Can't make it either Ken, but the next weekend I'm hoping to be up in the valley for a few hours after dropping my Beer Goddess/Cougar Girl off at the airport. :D Have you found the address for the mash paddle yet? How about the pumps from Marion road? Oh, and a price on those bits? I'm sure...
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    Stirring The Pot

    Lou, Last weekend I tried three beers from GMK's kegs. I would drink any of them any day over pub megaswill. Lurk about this place, there's heaps of helpful people and tons of stuff to help you produce a top quality drop. Cheers!
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    Water Analysis

    Thanks guys... a wealth of knowledge as ususal. Chiller its the English ales I'm interested in at the moment, so hopefully a small amount of messing with the water will do the trick. Ta. GMK I'm planning on replacing my tank with a poly one soon... already have the quotes. I'll leave it 'till...
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    Water Analysis

    GMK I could use rainwater but I was concerned about the level of salt in it. I live right next to the beach, and we almost permenantly live in a salt haze. You couldn't walk safely on the colorbond roof of my house - its too slippery from an almost permanent mist of salt over it. Although the...
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    Water Analysis

    Thanks Steve, very much appreciated! Where did you manage to get these figures from? Tony, I would ring SA Water here but I rekon I would get onto one of those 30 minute phone ques! :( You'd think they would be able to post their water quality results on their website.... Cheers!
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    Water Analysis

    Hi All, Does anyone know where you can get your hands on a water report in South Australia? Ive tried searching on the net, SAWater etc lots of warm fuzzies but no data on what is actually in the water, dissolved solids, levels of Ca++, Mg++,Na+,Cl- etc etc :blink: Id like to know what the...