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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    New Rig

    Mmmmm.... GL I couldn't work out where to hang the numberplates..!
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    Homebrew Books

    Wee Stu, Daniel's book is also massively US inspired. A very long but interesting read, mostly made up of anaysing the ingredients and procedures of the homebrews that got into the second round of some US homebrewing comp, from memory.
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    New Rig

    I'll see what I can do Dave. Mind you, its a bloody big rig to transport...
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    New Rig

    You're on, Ken. Trouble is I tend to busy at all the wrong hours.... Got a bunch of 10 coming around Friday night... they are going to drink me dry. Time to visit Goliaths for more goodies I think!
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    Homebrew Books

    Apparently the writing of the beer captured book was sponsored by Wyeast? B) That's why its the only choice offered in all the recipes. Not that it bothers me...
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    New Rig

    Hi Jason, Mounting the sensors is ine thing that hasn't been done hi-tech yet, still want to play around with them a while, so I'm not willing to drill holes in my tuns yet.... At the moment though, the best I have come up with is this: for the HLT I have the sensor in a 1/4" brass tube that I...
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    Another obvoius tip to make the day after drew day a nice one - don't let your dog go anywhere near your spent grain. A 25 KG dog WILL attempt to consume 10KG of malt if you are looking the other way.... and their farts are reeeaaaal baaaad. :blink: :unsure: :huh: Cheers
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    New 5 Tap Heaven

    MAH, its awesome! well done!
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    Ahb Beer Glasses - Time To Decide

    Ok, everyone sing along now "A nonic for me. a nonic for me, If you don't want a nonic, you're no good to me...." Sorry. A bit of Welsh blood there showing through. :) Cheers!
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    Wheat Mash

    Hi Mike, I rekon the S/S screen may help but it will never ever completely solve your problem, you'll most likely still have to underlet it to clear it now and then if you try and draw off too quickly. Its the nature of the wheat... Cheers
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    New Rig

    Hey Roach, most of the details are on page 1 of this thread. Cheers
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    New Rig

    Onya Jason! If like me you don't really understand the circuit diagrams that come with these kits, use a picture of the finished board from Geg Lehey's site to make sure you solder the capacitors etc in the right way around... And if you use soldering flux, use some lighter fluid or something...
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    Stainless Container

    Stick it underneath your grain mill perhaps? Cheers
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    Brew Stand

    Hi Roach, I know this is an obvious statement, but whatever you do put wheels on it! Also consider its total height to its width. If you are going the 3 tire gravity route, 60 litres or so of very hot water up above your head has the potential to be nasty if you trip and fall into your rig...
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    Geez even I remember fat cat. The co-host was a girl called 'Veronica", I got her autograph when I was a kid in primary school back in the 70's. She never shook her maracas for us though.
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    New Rig

    G'day all, now that i'm back home, I'll try and answer a few questions... Jason, if I put it in the lounge room the missus would kill me. The reason she was willing to go along with me and uncle building this rig is that it got me brewing in the shed and out of her kitchen... Jayse: water cooled...
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    New Rig

    Hi Jayse, two brews so far, a standard ale using 100% JWM trad malt and Thames valley 11, and a Kolsch last week. Cheers
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    New Rig

    Thanks for that Snow, I'm new to all this picture uplink stuff... Did I build it? Sort of.... its a long story... My Wife's uncle is a winemaker, owns a winery in the Barossa and likes nothing more than a decent beer at the end of a long day. I say to him that I'm getting back into homebrew and...
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    New Rig

    OK, so I've posted a couple of pics of my new AG rig in the gallery. :D Silly question I suppose, but when I go in there a whole lot of other detail is there for editing the album. Do only I see it, or is there something I'm supposed to do to clear it, ie have I finished the setting up of the...
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    3 Tier Font For Sale

    Aaaah but Kenny, do they come with after sales service and parts? hehehehe... Cheers