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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    Problems With Air Tight Seal

    reesdspacer, try pukking out the seal, give it a good clean and dry, then rubbing it in amourall. Tou may be surprised how well this can improve its airtightness. Cheers
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    Grain Mills

    Dicko, As a fellow crankandstein 3D owner I can't help but keep returning to page 1 of this thread to perve on your mill.... That is a blody work of art! Paint it green, to match the colour of envy. Cheers
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    Grumpy's Brewhaus

    BTW if you haven't been to Grumpy's for a while, expect to see a few changes. I dropped by there this arvo, (G'day GT) and the homebrew shop is now out the back, its original room/location now a part of the restaurant seating arrangement. Cheers!
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    Esky Mash Temps

    Hi Goat, Yup, we are using the same security cable. A short is no problem, just dry it out and go on using it, the voltages are so low. I only actually bothered to check two of the sensors, the one in the HLT, and the one in the mash, they were fine so I didn't bother checking the HERMs outlet...
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    Irish Moss/whrlfloc

    Aaaah, but only the southern end of the valley, Batz!
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    A Special Squire

    Actually Kai, I dont mind the JS, its a big step up from any megaswill full of POR, but what we need is the city micros that currently exist doing a better job, or new micros in the city, NOT run by some JS mob from interstate. Adelaide should be able to do it. After all we (collectively) all...
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    Grain Mills

    Ditto, I'm with Dicko and Nonicman. There are some good mills to be had, but I'm glad I selected the Crankandstein. Cheers
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    A Special Squire

    No we don't, Jaz. Just the micros in Adelaide to do a damn site better job of what they are currently on about. And more of them. Don't forget that Squires is just a megaswill wolf in micro sheeps clothing... Cheers
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    Esky Mash Temps

    PS I don't know if GMK does steak knives, but he lathes an awesome wooden pen... Cheers!
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    Esky Mash Temps

    Hi Goat, I think I use the same oztronics sensors as you have bought, I also use them to control my ferment temps. FWIW I use security cable to connect the sensor to the interface box. It's four wires, I just cut the unwanted wire out of the way, and solder the remaining three to the sensor. I...
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    Forgive Me

    Months before brewing! Geez Batz, Maybe everyone who owns a you-beut Batz refractometer should band together and send you a bottle. That'll last about... oooh...2 weeks at most :-) Cheers!
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    Renovator's Delight...

    MJE1980 (helluva name, what, were your parents robots or are you on the run from the police?) I don't honestly consider myself to have the brewing experience either. That's why I'm getting Wort-Pig in to run that aspect. It's important to remember that as important as the brewing obviously is...
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    Renovator's Delight...

    OK for those (few!) brewers who aren't based in SA, here are a few pics of the brewery before renovations begin in earnest. I've trimmed them down to less than 100Kb each so as not to annoy those not on broadband. Pic one is the eastern end of the Railway Goods Shed - soon to be Brewery. The...
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    The Dortmund Days

    Hi John, Yes, he generally didn't think much of the yeast I use for it, the Wyeast Kolsche strain 2565. What source to replace it with he'll give me more info on when he visits again in September. Cheers
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    The "gulf Brewery"

    Well done Pedro, I wish you all the best! Just be prepared for some red-tape frustrations though... If the council you wish to set up in sends your Development Application off to the DAC, be prepared for about a 5-month wait for a reply. Producers licence will be easier, only 7 to 10 weeks...
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    The Dortmund Days

    Hi Kai, Yup, he didn't actually say it, but it was obvious that even though lots of years had passed, it broke his heart too. He took photos of it happening, but described it like he wasn't really there, a sort of distant thing not really assessed by the brain until much later. After all, it was...
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    Renovator's Delight...

    Hey John, My missus is from QLD originally, too. Generally they aren't particularly enthused about moving south... Cheers!
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    The Dortmund Days

    My apologies if this is bandwidth wasting, but it is sort of brewing related and somebody out there might be interestedits a bit of a ramble. The couple who own the property next to us here in Middleton are really nice people. He is a former V8 Supercar driver who met his wife when he was...
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    Renovator's Delight...

    Just a quick update to the cats out of the bag thread a couple of months agotime flies when you are having fun. I often have the forum on in the background but never seem to have a lot of time to add my 2 cents worth The latest developments The Development Assessment Commission (planning SA)...
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    How Much Would You Pay For A Home Brewing Mag

    Good luck Scotty. There is so much info available on the net for free... And brilliant forums like this, of course.