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  1. beer slayer

    Fresh Wort Kit, Og Of 1.070?!?

    Hi MCT I think if you check the label that it says to add 5 liters of water. I'm sure that this would bring it down lower.
  2. beer slayer

    Chest Freezer Up And Running!

    I was leaning towards the celli's. yes they do look pretty sexy :beer: BS
  3. beer slayer

    Chest Freezer Up And Running!

    Great job REMI I also got my chest freezer up and running recently but have't decided on what taps to get. My question is what taps did you get and what made you decide on those taps? Cheers BS
  4. beer slayer

    Nsw Xmas Case 2007 - Consumption

    Hi Xmas cases, Sorry for the exploding bottle. I purchased a out of "use by date" liquid yeast from my LHBS as he didn't have a fresh one. Its possible quite that it hasn't fermented out fully. So I think It would be a good Idea if you guys could place it in the fridge for safety. Cheers BS
  5. beer slayer

    Sanitizer Poll

    I use Pink powder to clean and soak all my equipment as well as bottles and kegs. I then spray everything with Iodophor to sanitize. touch wood this has worked for me with no infections :) Cheers BS
  6. beer slayer

    Nsw 2007 X-mas Case Swap

    Thanks Tony I wasnt aware of that Cheers BS
  7. beer slayer

    Nsw 2007 X-mas Case Swap

    Hi all Sorry I haven't been in contact but I've been in Europe sampling some of there great beers. I'm a bit behind the eight ball and will be bottling my case Fri arvo so it won't be ready to drink for a few weeks (Just in time for Chrissy!!!) floppinab could you please PM your details for a...
  8. beer slayer

    European Vacation....

    Devo Might have to catch up at the Oktoberfest in Munich. I'm trying to plan a trip about the same time to Europe. There sure is a lot of planning involved for a trip like this. let me know how you go :beer: BS
  9. beer slayer

    Which Scale To Buy

    Hi Devo Ive seen these on "Evilbay" and was thinking of buying one.Have you used them yet and what are they like? Are they as advertised. Have you got the suppliers details? Thanks BS
  10. beer slayer

    Anyone Into 4wd'ing?

    Hi Fixa I agree with Whistlingjack If you haven't been 4WD before or have little experience its a good Idea to join a club and do a driving course, most of the good ones will run one. Ive got a hilux dually and its great fun to get out to new places. Ive been to Fraser 3 times and its an...
  11. beer slayer

    Nsw Xmas In July Case 2007

    1. Duff 2. Josh 3. davekate 4. Barramundi 5. Slurpdog 6. redbeard 7. shonky 8. Stuster 9. DJR 10. Trent 11. Craig 12. Punter 13. T.D. 14. Doc 15. goatherder 16. Stephen 17. beer slayer 18. KoNG 19. Petesbrew 20. Davekate 21. DC82 22. Crozdog 23. Homebrewworld 24. Linz 29. Les the Weizguy Just...
  12. beer slayer

    Nsw Xmas In July Case 2007

    Thanks Trent Must have clicked the wrong button late last night Would have hated to miss out :beer: Joe
  13. beer slayer

    Steel Supplies In Sydney

    Hi Nickb167 Ive have bought steel from ( ) Mascot steel in Mascot on and of for a few years now and they are great. Ive been in there with some small orders and they were still pleasent. They cut to order and usually do it on the spot. They have got all the gear...
  14. beer slayer

    2006 Nsw Xmas Case (december)

    Thanks Linz for dropping the cases of sorry I missed you. Thanks again to all for another smoothe transitation. I have all the cases at my place ready to be picked up for the southern guys just P/M to arrange P/U or let me know if you get stuck I may be able to drop them off. Cheers BS
  15. beer slayer

    2006 Nsw Xmas Case (december)

    Linz droped by this morning to P/U the cases. Thanks Linz Can't wait for the return cases. Will post a note for the southern guys when I get the cases to arrange P/U. :beer: BS
  16. beer slayer

    2006 Nsw Xmas Case (december)

    Sorry to here your pulling out Barry. Your contibutions are one to look foward too. Looks like I should have all the rest in time for Linz to P/U on Sat. morn :beer: BS