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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. K

    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Buy thread

    thanks mate :)
  2. K

    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Buy thread

    Any chance on getting a kit still?
  3. K

    Intermediate To Advanced Brewing Books

    the best book of all is "FROM HARVEST TO MOONSHINE" and if ya starting "MOONSHINE MADE SIMPLE"
  4. K

    Am I Wrong

    yer i think its ok but just make sure he dosent turn out an alcoholic
  5. K


    well at my hbs finings are 25c so its cheap as and thay make no difference so i cant see y not use them but then again i make giger beer so its better with finings because it kill the hard ginger tast so it tasts like store bort stuff but i think ginger beer is a lot different
  6. K

    Brew Enchanter

    well yes exactly im going to make different brews usin dme lme enchancer 1 & 2 and the stuff i grow so i can copear and see wat a true home brew is compered to wat u can get in the shops
  7. K

    Diet Beer

    speaking of low sugar things is ther an alchole with no lactose or gluten my mum cant have em she intolorent
  8. K

    The All Natrual Brew

    ok ok thats kewl i live on a farm gotta find how to make yeast well sluggerdog i want to make something from scratch to compear it to a kit and another question how do i choose weather it a stout larger or ale i wana ale k thanks :D :D
  9. K

    The All Natrual Brew

    hello i was on grumpys this morning and i bourt some Wuerttemberger ho ryzomes im going to grow every thing for a brew,yeast ,barley and hops(alredy got them) so wat do u think and where do i get the stuff to make yeast and barley and will i need enything special :huh: :huh: k hope u reply...
  10. K

    Brew Enchanter

    so do u think i should give it a go i recon 2
  11. K

    What Else Do You Drink?

    spirites or metho lol i dont drink metho milky Liquor is the best irish cream, kalua, tia mera, mud shakes (lol) cant drink st orlaneys i stick to bailyes
  12. K

    Brew Enchanter

    yer thats it :D
  13. K

    Brew Enchanter

    hello all i was in my brew shop today an noticed coopers brew enchanter #1 and enchanter #2 what r thay and wat do i do with them i also wanna no wat light dry malt extract is coz i cant find just plain malt extract thay wer sold out so is it carp or usabal thanks and please reply...
  14. K

    Z Filter

    dose any one hav a link to or no how to make a z filter i dont want to spend 70 bucks on 1 please reply
  15. K

    Filtering Spirits

    well ok kewl thanks im not using a still coz i dont wanna spend 200 im tight so il just make 20% and justin how do u make essential oils
  16. K


    i was wondering where i could get a still that didnt need electricity that i just put on my stove enyone no
  17. K

    Filtering Spirits

    ok kewl but wat can i use to filter it i dont want to spend 70 on a z filter so is there something els
  18. K

    Filtering Spirits

    hi everybody i was just wondering weather on not i need to filter spirits like is it a sterilization thing or is it just for tast drink up :chug: :chug: :chug: :chug: :chug: :chug: :chug:
  19. K


    i brew beer it just that i wanted to try sumthing different
  20. K

    Alternetivs To Beer

    cool thanks 4 the replys :D :D :D :D :D :D :D