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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Charst

    Any interest in a brew club to the north of Melbourne?

    Also Interested, probably jumping the gun but I was feeling like doing some logo development so here's one based on the name the Northern Brewing Club. Northern may be way too expansive and I'm not wanting to step on any Worthog toes but its the best name i could think of.
  2. Charst


    I've just started labeling beers for special occasions, print them at work and just used a glue stick to attach. Merry Christmas weird uncle!
  3. Charst

    chocolate essence in stout

    try looking up cocoa nibs instead. essence will always taste a bit artificial.
  4. Charst

    For the dreamers

    Many managers may be ********* but people are sheep and need shepherding from time to time.
  5. Charst

    Kilning Pils malt into Munich in your oven?

    There is a section in the book radical brewing about it, if I get pipped while writing this post the post above me will be 99% chance referring you to radical brewing as well. That said i followed his instructions for pre soaking my grain for a few hours and it took ages to dry out, was sweet...
  6. Charst

    2013 Melb Xmas Case Swap

    Swappers 1.RelaxedBrewer- 20L cube 2. Djar007- 3.Midnight Brew 4. JD(W81) - Most likely a hefeweizen or APA. 5.Lmccrone 6.Pedleyr 7. Grainer - Wheat 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Non Swappers 1: Yob: 2. Manticle: 3. Grainer 4. Charst 5. Techobabble66 6. Lmccrone: 7...
  7. Charst

    FS: Melbourne SS False Bottom + bits

    Hi All, Need cash so I'm clearing out stuff i don't use. 12" SS false bottom (Brought for $69) Female 1/2 inch BSP Hosetail to connect tap to false bottom. (Brought last week for $12.50 (got the wrong bit and lost the receipt)) Chucking in a converted Keggle given to me but I didn't end up...
  8. Charst

    Bridge Rd Chestnut Pilsner clone

    Bit confused by your Nut numbers. if your saying they are using 30kg for 240 Litres. So to make it easy lets pretend your making 20Litres. 240L / 20L = 12 home brew batches divide 30kg / 12 (enough for one batch) = .25 kg 250g per 20Litre batch. A vastly different number and obviously...
  9. Charst

    2013 Melb Xmas Case Swap

    1. Grumpy Paul 2. RelaxedBrewer- 20L cube 3.Djar007- ( Kolsch or Belgian Pale for swap) 1 x 17 litre cube 4. Midnight Brew 5. JD(W81) - Most likely a hefeweizen or APA. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 1: Yob: 20 ltCube 2. Manticle: 15 - 20 L cube 3. Grainer 20lt cube...
  10. Charst

    Hops for saison/farmhouse

    Not tried any New World Hops in a saison purely because i haven't been through enough of the traditionally used noble hops in saisons to warrant it. Saisons are meant to have some wine like characteristics so i can see how NS could go well. That said i would use it carefully and not over hop...
  11. Charst

    Pearls of wisdom

    Uncrushed wheat is an decent substitute if your desperately trying to unstick a mash and forgot to buy rice hulls. (but unlike rice hulls I wouldn't add them at the start of the mash).
  12. Charst

    Pearls of wisdom

    Although it can if your using extract.
  13. Charst

    10 minute IPAs are good for school night brewing

    To counter some points above on speaking to a Pro Brewer and occasional poster on this site I was surprised to hear him say that when using a highly modified malts a short boil is enough and that LCPA (not brewed by him) was in fact about a 20 minute boil. Could be hogwash but he does't seem...
  14. Charst

    What Are You Brewing III

    Saison Vautour 2nd Gen AKA "When you work for the father, your sin is never saved" :lol: Modification to Saison Vautour clone based on VICBREW feedback and available ingredients. OG 1056 IBU 27 Weyermann Bohiemian Pilsener Malt 5.412 kg 74.1% German Rye Malt 1.188 kg 16.3% German Sauer(Acid)...
  15. Charst

    What Are You Brewing III

    "Saison 2" OG 1053 IBU 27 Weyermann Bohiemian Pilsener Malt 4.800 kg 85.7% Joe White Wheat Malt 0.600 kg 10.7 % German (Acid) Malt 0.100 kg 1.8 % US Victory Malt 0.100 kg 1.8 % German Hallertauer Mittlefruh 35g 60 Min Slovenian Styrian Goldings 20g 20 Min Slovenian Styrian Goldings 20g...
  16. Charst

    2013 Melb Xmas Case Swap

    Cockatoo wasn't very close to coburg. I'll bring saison :ph34r:
  17. Charst

    2013 Melb Xmas Case Swap

    Correct it this time round Edak!
  18. Charst

    2013 Melb Xmas Case Swap

    1. Grumpy Paul 2. RelaxedBrewer 3.Djar007 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Non Swap Attendees 1: Yob - Camping (Not for Cocko) 2. Manticle 3 DU99 4. Grainer 5. Charst May Swap yet if I can get a brew on. Got a few days off as of today so a chance to upgrade.
  19. Charst

    3726 saison pc

    Wyeast have it up as available right now -dec'13 Wyeast 3726-PC Farmhouse Ale Beer Styles: Saison, Biere de Garde, Belgian Blonde Ale, Belgian Pale Ale, Belgian Golden Strong Ale Profile: This strain produces complex esters balanced with earthy/spicy notes. Slightly tart and dry with a...