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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Tony

    All boys, no caps

    Unless you are dropping the beer from a great hight and intentionally mixing lots of air into it, oxidation wont be a problem. When you rack, fill the secondary vessel from the bottom using a long tube attached to the tap on the primary vessel. I know Murrays microbrewery use a worlpool tank...
  2. Tony

    All boys, no caps

    Sometimes, the fermented beer will have some Co2 in solution from the fermentation. When you add the sugar to it, the Co2 is released and it foams up. If you add the sugar to the bottle first, you will still get foaming as you bottle, but you can stop and come back to top up the bottle once is...
  3. Tony

    Hello brewers

    Welcome aboard mate. looking forward to sharing some stories! Cheers
  4. Tony

    another one

    Welcome aboard mate. There is much to learn on this forum and i am sure many are keen to hear about your Italian brewing adventures. Enjoy your stay :) Cheers
  5. Tony

    4 tap cobra font

    I just sold a 2 tap cobra, 3 tap cobra and a 500 liter Kegorator with a 4 tap cobra attached. They do exist!
  6. Tony

    english lessons..

    figured it would be a farm hand type of job out there. I got offered a job at the Girilambone mine but took a job at a gold mine in Cobar instead and moved out there for a while. Great to see you have spent some time in the real Australia and experienced the culture. It's a wonderful part of...
  7. Tony

    english lessons..

    haha and popping burnouts on a blue motorbike :ph34r: I have passed through Nyngan many times...... not much there!
  8. Tony

    english lessons..

    Hey TNT...... what do you do for a living in Nyngan? I used to live out near there in Cobar.
  9. Tony

    Relax, don't worry, HAHB

    And it will be one of the best beers you have ever made! I had some absolute shockers over the years and they usually turned out great in the end.
  10. Tony

    New two can brew, need hop ideas/combinations...

    There is no perfect combo......... it all comes down to your personal preference as you will be drinking it :) I say do a couple of them as one hop wonders to learn the different characters If you want to stick with your current recipe which looks good...... use the Centennial..... its the...
  11. Tony

    Increasing maltiness in Aussie PAs

    Aussie Ale malt, 5 to 10% JW caramalt and 1272 I really doubt coopers ..... or any large comercial brewing venture uses the malts available to us home brewers. They would have a custom malt made to their specifications to make the beer they want to make
  12. Tony

    What is your best thread eva?

    Lets not forget good old PistolPatch and his 7000 word essays
  13. Tony

    Simple but good recipe wanted

    Its the Pacific Gem that makes the beer an origional ale like beer, but it would work well with EKG or Styrian Goldings aallanced beers well. You will just need to adjust the bittering amount to the hops AA% Its just a nice dark ale your after and this will make you a nice ballanced easy to...
  14. Tony

    Simple but good recipe wanted

    Try this: Replace the ale and wheet malt with pale extract and steep the darker malts. a very nice beer! Cheers
  15. Tony

    Depression........Its real

    available for Kindle Will get! Thanks Triple B
  16. Tony

    Depression........Its real

    I have always resorted to alcahol....... which is what i am trying to change. If anything, contact with family and close friends. Conversation and knowing that your not alone in the world. A hug from my kids always works too :)
  17. Tony

    Depression........Its real

    I am no expert but it's what i was told by a friend who lives and breathes this stuff. Would be good to get a doctors thoughts as well. Coke......... that crap is nasty. I used to work where they make the caramel colour for it. They cook sugar and water at about 250 degc and add amonia and...
  18. Tony

    Depression........Its real

    I have also stopped drinking coffee except for the odd cup on the weekend. I have never had an energy drink. Never even tasted one as i dont believe the principle of them is good. I am teaching my kids they are poison. I believe that most of the issues related to anxiety these days come form...
  19. Tony

    Yeast pitching.....FFS there is enough in pack

    I want to see the results of Brads experiment
  20. Tony

    Depression........Its real

    Mike, i have found the meds just level you and allow you a clear(er) line of thought. enough so to be able to start making better decisions. The certainly don't cure you. If anything they give you a kind of false sense of security at first thinking..... wow i feel great, and then you kind of...