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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Tony

    Sour beers

    I have not brewed since i made the lambic and Falnders Red listed a few pages back I was in my garage today doing some stuff, as you do in a garage, when i heard a farmiliar sound from long ago......... "Bloop" I had forgoten the bloody things existed. Both were pushed un a corner and has...
  2. Tony

    Going Nitrogen

    Hey mate I think the idea behind the 30/70 mix is that it has the right amount of Co2 in it to carb to the correct level at the higher pressure required to serve. I used to filter cold into the keg, then apply serving pressure and shake, the same as i did with 100% Co2 beers, and they worked...
  3. Tony

    Sour beers

    I will take some pics of the fermenters....... nothing special but fun non the less. I had a bit of a go at getting the white plastic plug out of the top of the demi but it wont budge. Im going to have to make a hook that goes in the airlock hole and pulls up from the bottom from some SS rod...
  4. Tony

    Sour beers

    Then to just work out the right amount of priming sugar to get the fiz right
  5. Tony

    Sour beers

    Hey folks I was in my garage yesterday reloading some ammo for my new/old hobby, when i heard a farmilliar "BLOOP" I then remembered the Lambic and Flanders red i put down in March 2013. Looks like they are still bubbling in my sub 17 deg garage and still have a funky mouldy layer on them...
  6. Tony

    State Of Origin

    I had to try...... its been a long time between drinks I may now look at my blue jersy i have stashed away in the cupboard, that i used to wear now and then, with a bit of pride again
  7. Tony

    State Of Origin

    XXXX can be posted north right?
  8. Tony

    State Of Origin

  9. Tony

    Oh boy

    Oh no dont tip it It may be wonderfull !
  10. Tony

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Im a bit upset they ditched the lamb burger..... that was my favorite, but the rest are good!
  11. Tony

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Na........... I guess I have never supported AHB
  12. Tony

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Cracked my photobucket account Deschutes Red Chair Absolutly amazing beer. One of the best beer i have ever had!!!! Its ballance to perfection, sweet, bitter, malty, hoppy, complex, beyond words
  13. Tony

    Marks Home Brew confirmed to stay open then sold

    I ordered a pallet of malt from another supplier when Mark was unable to supply malt Mark hates bulk buys
  14. Tony

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    I have been trying to log into photo bucket but be ****** if i can remember my password **** it..... who cares......... it tasted good
  15. Tony

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    HAhahahahaha I was about to upload a pic of an amazing beer i had recently at a local craft beer pub but as an ex moderator, 10+ year member that hasnt paid his money............... I cant Sorry folks! Hey...... im not a mod any nore ******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Tony

    Marks Home Brew confirmed to stay open then sold

    As one of the only people to have ever been banned from Marks shop, I hope he keeps going! I remember last time this happened, I was a very active brewer and forum member, and dedicated MHB costomer, and recieved many phone calls and emails from many MHB "fan boys" of the day saying "what are...
  17. Tony

    Whats In The Glass

    Hmmmmmmm Sometimes i miss making beer Saying that i have a 14 month old Flanders Red ready to bottle and a 15 month old lambic that will wait till next year :) keep em coming folks!
  18. Tony

    First AG - low efficiency

    Generlly low efficiency can be attributed to a few things: 1. Too course a crush 2. sparged too fast 3. combination of 1 and 2 4. too fine a crush and sparge water channels or bypasses mash. 5. not enough grain (usually caused by weighing grain out after 6 or more beers) 6. Old grain or pre...
  19. Tony

    pitching onto slurry

    I never counted the yeast cells in 100mls, and i guess i never measured the amount I added but it always worked fine.
  20. Tony

    pitching onto slurry

    I used to drain the primary, swish the yeast cake to loosen it up, and open the tap to dribble some fresh yeast into the brew in a clean fermenter