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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. E

    Kumiss - Would Appreciate Feedback

    As the document is rather complicated, I've put it here in .pdf form... I'd love some feedback... Once it's done, I'll put the final version here in forum format... But for now... Article
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    It's Apple Season
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    Don't Brew Pi$$ed

    Had a 7 gallon pot and 7 gallon rubbermaid full of starsan and water soaking in the bathroom... This is the first time I've brewed in her house (she lives in QLD, I live in SA)... I ask her these are heavy, do you mind if I pour them down the drain hole in middle of the bathroom floor? - yeah...
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    Polyclar & Bottling

    I use polyclar and I bottle... I dont normally have problems with chillhaze and it works great as a general clarifier... Normally I add the polyclar, wait 2 days and bottle... 2 weeks in the bottle with carbonation tabs and it all works swimmingly. Cold, clear, and carbonated :)
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    Brewtoad Anyone had a play with this?
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    What Are You Brewing III

    This weekend I'm planning a Brew Day with the local medieval group I'm part of... * Oatmeal Stout (double batch, one will have vanilla), * Cider, * Rauchbier - 4kg Weymanns Smoked, 1kg Bairds Peat Smoked, 500g Goldern Promise, 500g Carared, 500g Carapils, a huge whack of Tettnanger...
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    It's Apple Season

    Not so much that Manti... I'd have to look at the video again. I just remember watching it and going... yeah thats cool, yep... yep... the being faintly disgusted about something towards the end... I'll send the link in about 3 hours when I get home from work...
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    It's Apple Season

    There's a couple of great vids on youtube (of all places). The one I'm going to give a go went like this... Stage 1: Feed apples through one of those small cheap electric chipping machines into a big tub. Stage 2: Separate liquid from solids. Stage 3: Put apple chunks into a decent wooden...
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    Dark Cider

    I'm not fooling anyone, am I?
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    Don't Brew Pi$$ed

    Lol... I'm pretty good on hop and adjunct additions... Just on closing taps...
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    Don't Brew Pi$$ed

    My main issue (sometimes even done sober) is transferring liquids from one container to another with the tap on the receiving vessel open... Usually 10 seconds of thinking 'why are my feet wet' before the inevitable 'oh crap'...
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    Dark Cider

    Watch the treacle addition... Too much give a very salty harsh taste... And a laxative effect... However, if you are going to use treacle who not use the best... The Wymsey Treacle Mine has been mining it since 66AD and it's by far the best treacle out there for brewing ;)...
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    You Know You're A Dedicated Homebrewer When...

    With those small and nimble fingers to help put beer caps on... They make the perfect assistant... Just dont tell DOCS...
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    Advice On A Barrel Kegging Setup

    Hmmm... Okay - so I'm gonna need a 3 way splitter and perhaps a smaller co2 cyliner (have 2 x 10L) and some taps... Hmmm... What would people recommend (I assume longshanks will be needed) tap wise. Looking for something vaguely medieval, perhaps with wooden tap handles... I'd love the chelli...
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    RecipeDB - DrSmurto's Golden Ale

    Thinking of doing this recipe and replacing the amarillo in all or part with Bramling Cross. Am I nuts or should I do okay?
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    Looking For Teeny, Tiny Kegs To Pressure Filter Small Volumes...

    I've got a small kegging setup with 19L Cornelius Ball-lock Kegs... I've also acquired one of these babies which I've yet to use for beer (gimme a week until I'm home and I'll be there). I also do a lot of 'experimental' medieval brews...
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    FS: Bundy QLD - Pots

    Never mind... All good. I have a decent lead on a catering company that sells 42cm lids that came in an hour ago \o/ Thanks for taking the time to measure up for me. Appreciated.
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    Rosemary In Beer

    One thing to remind people is that Rosemary is unusual amongst herbs. It's flavour is VERY dependant on season and growing year - also the variety of Rosemary.... Hmmm... Kind of like Hops. And if I said, all hops taste the same and make my beer taste bitter, I'm sure the moderators would...