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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. E

    What Should I Make

    Gday all. IM looking for suggestions on what i should use these for. I have 5kg of light liquid malt extract, 500g of dark munich, 500g of crystal (114-145 EBC). 50g of hersbrucker pellets 50g hellertau pellets and T58 safbrew yeast. I bought these to make the christmoose ale but didnt get...
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    Brew In A Bag In A Tun/kettle

    Im also in this exact situatiuon. I have 2 kegs and an urn but have decided due to space, time and monetary restraints to use one keg as a BIAB kettle. Its almost complete. i just have to assemble the thing and give it a good clean. What would be the biggest batch size we can get away with?
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    Soft Drink Bottles

    just a word of warning on soft drink bottles. Its probably fairly obvious, but the plactic holds flavour from the drink, so be sure to buy soda water rather than cola or anything strongly flavoured. I had a couple of literes of suprisingly pleasant passionfriut dark ale after running out of...
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    Hargreaves Pale Ale

    i bought a case of this last week and it had no problem. I felt that the hop flavour was a little grassy or green for my taste, but no metalic flavours.
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    Wtb: Coopers Longneck Bottles In Sydney

    ive just bought a couple of these. its seemed like a reasonable price. though i can pick them up. postage is not too pricey.
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    thats a neat little device zizzle. how much? did it come with an OS?
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    Kegmate Just a bit silly realy :-)
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    Cheap Spiral Burners

    $18......bugger, ive just shelled out for the Italian burner from BB. oh well. I choose to believe they are better and ill argue with anyone who says they are not :-)
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    Little Creatures Next Single Batch

    I tried this one last weekend at the beer hall in brunswick st and absolutely loved it. So much so that i shelled out the dollars for a case. I'm drinking one now and I think its very nice out of the bottle too, though im drinking it warmer as the case is in the garrage at about 10- 12 degrees...
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    White Rabbit White Ale

    Hey Manticle. i had it a bit warmer. probably out of the shop fridge for an hour. Its been suggested to me that the first batch was not the best, and also that its better on tap. ill give it another go when im in Healesville next.
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    Coles And Bi-lo Delete Home Brew

    If anyone is interested, burnt bridge coles in outer easten melbourne has reduced all brewing stock to clear. but the price saving is not realy significant. The cans are a few dollars down, i think 7.95. packets of caps dex etc are something like 70c off.
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    RecipeDB - Chrismoose Ale

    i still have all the ingredients for this one sitting in the cupboard. ive got to get it moving!
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    Stainless Steel Olive Oil Fusti As Fermenter?

    I saw these in the olive oil shop in milawa at Easter. It did occur to me that they might be useful as brewing gear, but they are only thin steel. and as i recall quite pricey. My well be alot cheaper from the importer.
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    Do You Ever Get Carried Away In Your Home Brew Shop ?

    My LHBS has a fridge full of English imports. :icon_drool2: I dont mean to buy just....happens.
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    Where Is Your Closest Brewery?

    :icon_offtopic: heh heh. i didnt notice the date on this thread. i saw kai's response on page two and was exited that he knew of ANOTHER brewery opening in healesville......
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    Where Is Your Closest Brewery?

    Hargreaves hill is technically closest, as the new brewery in in Lillydale somewhere ( im in croydon). I dont suppose they qualify as a brewpub, they have the restaurant/ bar in yarra glen. food there is exelent. Ive seen their beers around, though i dont know if the export. i doubt it. Yes, i...
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    White Rabbit White Ale

    I tried the white ale last week. Im much more of a dark beer man so i wasnt realy expecting to love this beer but was keen to try it none the less. It was a very pale yellow. white ale seems an appropriate name. Perhaps its just my pallate, but i found it very light, id hesitate to say almost...
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    An Off Vb

    id rather chew on the floor thean drink draght, higher alcohol content than spirits, and cheaper too :icon_cheers:
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    An Off Vb

    as a native mexican, the only place ive drunk VB by choice was at the corner, and its was always brace for impact.. the first sip tastes like hangover. but your at the corner, what can you do? :rolleyes: :beerbang:
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    Old Thumper By Ringwood Brewery

    I loved this beer. it is just a pale memory, but my bottlo had it in a few months ago. i think i drank thier whole stock :-) it is close to what i aim to brew one day.