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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. W

    Abinbev To Buy Sabmiller?

    Once Inbev owns every brewery in the world it will begin eliminating it's only potential competition. The home brewer.
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    Oakeshott Tries To Put Microbrewery Tax On National Agenda

    If only this issue would get support from someone that actually gets listened to...
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    New Beer Bar - Bitter Suite

    Dropped by for lunch today and enjoyed a tasty steak sandwich that went down nicely with a 4 degrees pale ale. Would definitely recommend a visit.
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    Cantillon Beers In Bris (qld)

    My first stop would be the Belgian Beer Cafe in the city. Not sure if you can buy bottles to take away from there though. Nectar used to be my shop for lambics but since it's gone I don't know any other bottle shops that stock them.
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    Epic Pale Ale In Brisbane

    Can't say I've ever seen any Epic beers in the Brewhouse. Archive would be the best bet.
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    Funny Web Sites ...... If you enjoy reading about the misfortune and humiliation of others...
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    Hop Cigars

    I'd been under the impression that smoking hops would make you sick.
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    Funny Videos.... Any Topic

    "I would give you one of my beers... but I've only got 6."
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    James Squire Pale Ale - New Beer

    I found this pretty disappointing. My dad and I cracked open a bottle each and his first comment went along the lines of "it's very bland for a james squire beer". After reading about the hops used in this one I was expecting something more. It's not a terrible beer but it doesn't stand out...
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    Archive Beer Boutique (brisbane)

    I've got to echo this. The cunning ninja and 1000 IBU were stand outs. The 4 pines Rye Pale Ale was really interesting too. I'd love to try it again as I remember finding it really interesting but not quite how it tasted. Overall an awesome day with some top drops.
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    Archive Beer Boutique (brisbane)

    The Synaspe fill was $24. $15 to buy the growler.
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    Archive Beer Boutique (brisbane)

    Got me some Growler of Doc's Synapse.
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    Your Shout. History Of Australian Beer.

    A history of corporate giants stamping out small producers to eventually form a bland duopoly market.
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    So, I Wrote A Letter To Coles

    I guess they actually meant it when they said it was time to actually listen to the customers now.
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    Boutique Beer Festival Goers

    1) Early 20s (23) 2) Have been for the last 4yrs. 3) Almost finished a double degree of law/marketing 4) No real brand loyalties, I'll go wherever is convenient/offers a good deal. 5) A lot of electronics or related purchases, though I don't own an iphone. 6) The brand doesn't interest me as...
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    Archive Beer Boutique (brisbane)

    I'll definitely be there.
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    So, I Wrote A Letter To Coles

    Wow. As a coles employee for the last 7 years, I am utterly amazed that the company actually accommodated your request.
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    Brewdog's Biggies At Dan's Online

    I am kinda tempted considering the last time I saw Sink the Bismarck in a bottle shop it was $260.
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    Archive Beer Boutique (brisbane)

    Enjoyed Doc's Synapse Black Saison at Archive tonight. Thoroughly enjoyable. Strong roasty flavour but nothing too overwhelming. Definitely a beer I could drink regularly.
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    So, I Wrote A Letter To Coles

    I'm kind of surprised they didn't offer you something to sweeten your disappointment. The party line these days is to always have the customer going away with something in their hands.