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  1. Ben Davies

    STC 1000 and MH1210A Temperature probe delay.

    Depends on where your probe is I suppose. Inside the fermenter or taped to the side with insulation on top. Or just inside the chamber somewhere. A little more information on that side might help. I'd make sure the probe is compatible with the STC. You've dialed in the stc1000 probe before...
  2. Ben Davies

    Ginger beer FG

    Maltodextrin should work at adding body to the beer. It's a non fermenatable sugar so whatever you add will remain. Hope that helps
  3. Ben Davies

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    Any idea when this will become available. I'm installing that temp twister into my 30lt kegmenter lid atm PITA not alot of realestate on them pressure lids. And not alot of room for error. Anyhow a welded coil lid option would be great
  4. Ben Davies

    Kegging Setups

    Hey I'm in the same route at the moment. My story gotta give the Bro his 3 keg Keg king keggerator back. Now I cut my teeth on this unit so to speak and it is a great first step unit I into kegging as all is done and dusted all you gotta do is brew the beer keg it then connect it carb it and...
  5. Ben Davies

    Kegging Setups

    YEP I use castors on my brew stand and ferm chamber you can move if need for cleaning purposes.
  6. Ben Davies

    Kegging Setups

    Nice work that is some cold storage space there plenty room to lager. You reckon them castors are up to the task?
  7. Ben Davies

    Length of mash

    Check out he also has mash on experiment I'm sure mash length and more really informative if your into the geeky side of brewing and why we do certain things. Most conversion I hear happens in first 15 minutes of mash I'm expecting beta Amalyse works slower and is responsible...
  8. Ben Davies

    Off taste possible infection?

    The Stee Pac? Are these steeping hops or malt? How's the beer taste as it warms up?
  9. Ben Davies

    Off taste possible infection?

    Sounds like a phenolic adhesive plastic type off flavour descriptor to me either infection from poor cleaning/sanitation or yeast stress.
  10. Ben Davies

    Help getting that crisp Lager taste

    No probs with decoction with Biab style I can only imagine it might even be easier. Just lift the bag and scoop out your grist into your decoction pot and add wort till you get a nice thick decoction consistency and boil away.
  11. Ben Davies

    Help getting that crisp Lager taste

    My 2c favour sulphate in water calculator for crisp dry beer.
  12. Ben Davies

    AG BIAB Saison recipe feedback .

    Raising mash temp to 75-78 c should kill enzymes therefore halting enzymatic activity. I hear the big boys do it to lock in OG once reached in mashing. I have do both nowadays i just heat sparge water to 75c not sure if it really matters what temp you sparge at. But sparge ph i think matters to...
  13. Ben Davies

    How Long Can You Leave Beer In Primary Fermentation?

    Yep sure is an actively fermenting beverage will develope a foamy looking layer atop after 9 days is odd but you may have somehow re disturbed yeast and have kickstarted fermentation keep it warm now for a good finnish.
  14. Ben Davies

    How Long Can You Leave Beer In Primary Fermentation?

    Hopefully mate but you can disrupt suspended co2 in fermented solution and therefore some airlock action. But if there was krausen well cant deny that. Good luck on your 1st brew. You being patient itll be fine:).
  15. Ben Davies

    Beer pouring out of gas keg post

    A brew or two ago i had a massive brain fart being a lazy bastard and hit the preassure release on regulator on a burst carbed keg after dialing back the regulator. I had a healthy fill on that keg and i had nice foamy preassure release valve on first squirt :confused:! So yeah one way valve...
  16. Ben Davies

    To start or not to start

    Another thing you can do is put the fermenter in a large tub of water a large volume of water changes temperature less then a little amount youll find itll reach a happy medium below and above your max and min temps and the water bath should even out the fluctuations. If not the water bath...
  17. Ben Davies

    Matt's DIY Keezer build

    Cheers mate ill have to read right through this thread. I get what your putting down in regards to keeping missus on board with the project that was also one comment she made regarding collared keezers she said they loog ugly:rolleyes:. So i flicked her a pick of your creation and she said yep...
  18. Ben Davies

    Matt's DIY Keezer build

    Cheers Matt for sharing this build am definitely doing this awesome stuff amazing what beer can bring out of a person other than vomit:D.
  19. Ben Davies

    Cold crashing rate

    Get a freezer ;). But it does strain your back lifting in and out.
  20. Ben Davies

    Screwed up my order, what will this taste like.

    Yep you could order some extra sepperate base malt GP (lovely malt) then go half and half theoretically should half your crystal contributions sorta. Then then do as above to ensure good attenuation.