Just about to brew Pratty1's American Amber Ale which won the Nats last year
A good resource for award winning recipes is below. Basically winning recipes in each Cat for the American Nat's for the last 7-8...
Southern English Brown - High end for style, brewing for a friend who like dark malty beers.
Recipe Specifications
Boil Size: 42.44 l
Post Boil Volume: 37.44 l
Batch Size (fermenter): 33.00 l
Bottling Volume: 31.00 l
Estimated OG: 1.044 SG
Estimated Color: 28.5 SRM...
Its not really a recipe, just chuck onion, garlic, fresh ginger, oil, chilli, fish sauce, water, vinegar and sugar in a pan and then cook it for an hour until sticky and reduced. Can't really go too wrong with amounts.
Variation on Dr Smurto's Golden Ale
OT but Mashing away happily while I chow down on my Brewer's Breakfast - B+E roll with homemade chilli jam washed down with a double shot cap.
BeerSmith 2 Recipe Printout - http://www.beersmith.com
Recipe: DGA-2 Dr Smurto's Golden Ale with Galaxy
If anyones serious PM balconybrewer. He has had someone BUL and supply to a local pub he has worked at.
Economics were marginal from memory for both him and the pub, more of a cool thing to do. If you managed to sort a licence to brew then things got a bit better but don't give up your day job etc.
Clarifiers, they help yeast/particles/haze settle out of your beer, basically speeding up lagering. They are not necessary if you keg your beer and let it sit cold for a few weeks.
Just solved an annoying house problem with good old Starsan. We have a 30 year old house whose two main front windows had significant water marks on the exterior when we moved in. May have been cleaned with bore water (we have a tap in our backyard) or just built up over time. Tried the usual...
First AG brewday on the new 3V gravity rig. Mostly went OK, aimed for 21L at 1.063 and ended up with 20L at 1.060. Just got to dial in my numbers.
Recipe: WCI-9 - West Coast IPA
Brewer: Stewart Smith
Style: American IPA
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (30.0)
Recipe Specifications...
A good Pilsener will seem super bitter on the first few sips.
If it goes beyond that dilute (20%) with water, or even better soda water (water pre-carbed)
Bout cheapest I saw on fleabay
Post beach swim birthday lunch - Stew's Craft Brews tasting paddle and a BBQ Bratwurst roll with caramelised onions and mustard.
L-R German Pils, Oz Prem Lager, Watermelon Wheat, US Amarillo Rye
And just to clarify, cleaning (removing solids/gunk/yeast etc) and sanitising (killing as many bacteria/wild yeast as possible) are different things. PBW is a great cleaner but not an effective sanitiser. Bleach is a great sanitiser but does not clean.
Bleach can be good as a sanitiser when...
Hmm, fresh is a relative term.
Fresh enough to be used as a bittering hop - 12+ months (although AA goes down slowly over time)
Fresh enough to be used as the main flavour hop - 6+ months (stored in freezer with most air excluded from zip lock and well away from prawn heads)
Fresh enough to...
If worried about O2 you could draw off the 9L for the keg, chuck in a small amount of dex/sugar into the fermenter to produce a bit of CO2? As you have a keg setup you could always squirt in a quick shot of CO2 from the bottle.
Plenty of people transfer fermented beer into secondary without...
Rosella's are the same as hibiscus/karkade I think?
Are the fresh or dried?
Either way make into a syrup as suggested above, taste, add in secondary.
Lots of info of using dried hibiscus but not so much fresh