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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. waggastew

    2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap - Tasting & Recipes thread

    #12 Shacked English IPA Pours a golden copper colour, slight haze. Fine off white head. Strong herbal hop aroma with a hint of malt. Flavour begins with rich malt which is quickly countered with firm bitterness. Mouthfeel is medium full with medium low carbonation. Bitterness helps to limit...
  2. waggastew

    2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap - Tasting & Recipes thread

    #17 Kellerbier by Les the Weizguy Not had this style before but enjoying this immensely. Pours a deep golden colour with a thin head of fine bubbles. Aroma is bread crust malt with a background spicy hop note. Super clean ferment, no fruitiness or diacetyl. Smells 'dry' like all good lagers...
  3. waggastew

    Whats In The Glass

    2014 US Barleywine with homegrown Chinook and Cascade - Been ageing in a keg and just beginning to hit its straps. Hop character is beginning to fade but integrating well with rich malt. Might even keg hop this with a bit of Cascade.
  4. waggastew

    2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap - Tasting & Recipes thread

    #19 Yum Beer's Arrogant Bastard Clone Pours a lovely ruby red colour. Strong off-white head that builds. My nose is on strike but I am getting some citrusy hops. Flavour is sweet malt, golden syrup but with plenty of bitterness to balance. Finishes dry with some lingering candy sugar and nice...
  5. waggastew

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    Update on this one: Jamil's Evil Twin Clone Krausen cranking 8hrs in. Second brew with pure 02 setup, gotta be the best $100 I have spent on the brewery in a long time!
  6. waggastew

    2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap - Tasting & Recipes thread

    Marksy's IPL Yellow golden colour, tight white head that sticks around. Clear as a bell. Amazing hop aroma, like sticking your nose in a freshly opened bag. Underlying malty note is sweet and grainy. Taste is clean malt, slight toffee/bread crust note. Balanced with a firm clean bitterness...
  7. waggastew

    2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap - Tasting & Recipes thread

    #2 Contrarian Wet Hopped IPA Pours a red brown with a fair haze, may be due to wet hops? Off-white tight foam with plenty of lacing. Definite Brett in the aroma, pineapple but an underlying barnyard note that is quite pleasant. Flavour is dry malt, firm bitterness, tropical hop notes. Brett...
  8. waggastew

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    Jamil's Evil Twin Clone, copied from Brewsmith Database. Mash Eff was a bit low, I still think I need to double mill. Hope the beer will be as balanced as the commercial version. Recipe: Evil Twin (JP Killer Edition) Brewer: Asst Brewer: Style: American Amber Ale TYPE: All Grain Taste...
  9. waggastew

    2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap - Tasting & Recipes thread

    #18 Clayton's Homegrown Wet-Hop IIPA Wasn't quite sure if I misread IIPA instead of IPA but definitely the former. Pours an orangey copper, nice head that fades to a thin but persistent coating. Med-low fresh hop aroma: pineapple, sweet citrus. Aroma lifts as it warms. Flavour starts out...
  10. waggastew

    2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap - Tasting & Recipes thread

    First cab off my rank #4 Mikeyr's Chinook IPA Yummy! Hop forward, lots of pine resin, pineapple and citrus peel. Colour and aroma suggests a malt richness but flavour is nice and dry, supporting the hops but leaving room as well. Super fresh tasting, no oxidised caramel notes, fermentation...
  11. waggastew

    2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap

    1 pratty1 - Chocolate Vanilla Porter - US05 yeast due 1 july.[/font][/color][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica] 2 contrarian - wet hopped IIPA rtd 3 barls - belgian dark strong/ dubbel ( its too strong to be a dubbel and on the bottom end of a dark strong.) rtd but could do with age best...
  12. waggastew

    How to get started in Cider. The definitive(ish) guide to beginner&#39

    Brewing my first cider as a special order for a mate. Bloody easier than brewing although it's kinda cheating to use stir bought juice I guess! 12L Coles apple juice 1L Pear juice 1L Apricot juice 3 Granny Smiths, chopped 3 Fuji, chopped Yeast nutrient Rehydrated Notto Ferment at 20degC
  13. waggastew

    Whats In The Glass

    Homebrewer's version of a Black & Tan - Half Helles, half US Barleywine, kind ended up Weizenbockish. Not bad at all!
  14. waggastew

    2016 NSW Mid Year Case Swap - Tasting & Recipes thread

    Number 16 - Case Swap Schawrzbier Have had a taste of the kegged version, tasting good. Bottled version will be fully carbed, been bottled since mid-April. Being a lager it will probably best with a week sitting still in the fridge before drinking to get as much yeast out of suspension as...
  15. waggastew

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Once, at Beer Camp....... Well done Uncle Dan's for stocking this but it hasn't travelled that well. More evidence for not drinking imported IPA's unless impeccably handled and fresh as a daisy. It's got some nice orange rind notes but aroma has classic 'oxidised hops and malt' thing going on...
  16. waggastew

    Whats In The Glass

    Here's cheers to clear beer! Munich Helles made mid-strength in the glass with a shot of soda water. Been in the keg a few months now so lagering well
  17. waggastew

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    I got mine from Brewmart online. I CBF trying to match fittings etc, lazy way out but I got small kids and no time so convenience is worth paying for. The Bunnings one above does sound good though
  18. waggastew

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    Brewed this one on the weekend. Cloned from a beer that won the Pale Ale category at the US 2015 GABF. Details were gleaned from a Brewing Network podcast. First beer to try out my new O2 setup. Krausen was cranking less than 12hrs after pitching, very happy with that. Recipe: CCP-1 Central...
  19. waggastew

    Is the Mini Bar dead, or can Craft Beer revive it?

    Reminds me of a trip to Tassie a few years back. Usually I never order stuff from the minibar because like most people I refuse to pay $12 for a Cascade light. One exception was in the good old days when all reasonable expenses ie a few beers were covered on work account. This time I was on my...