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  1. Kieren

    T.a.s.t.e. 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-adelaide Autumn Case Swap Threa

    Boston - 10min IPA Low carb, slight haze, golden/orangy colour. Strong american hop aroma, piney, woody, citrus and malt sweetness in the background. Great flavour too, malt and sweet hops. Might be picking up a little oxidation but can't be sure. Finish hangs around for a while too :) A...
  2. Kieren

    T.a.s.t.e. 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-adelaide Autumn Case Swap Threa

    Rooting Kings - Brown ale Light brown/dark amber in colour, hazy but cleared up as the beer warmed up. Esters and caramel in the aroma and a background earthiness. The malt sweetness carries through a little followed by esters pushed out by the yeast - english I'm guessing, 1187 or 1469...
  3. Kieren

    Lookin' For A Good Commercial Stout!

    i had one of these a couple of nights ago. It blew my mind .... unbelievable.
  4. Kieren

    New Diy Coopers Kit

    More of a domed bottom than a conical - and there is no port at the bottom to remove the yeast/trub. Forgot to add to my cons - lid not airtight so you can't shake the fermenter for aeration.
  5. Kieren

    Water Chemistry - Please Read This

    These q's are beyond my limited knowledge. My suggestion would be to get it tested. Do you drink your rainwater? If you think it's safe to drink then it's safe to brew. As for ion content - not sure.
  6. Kieren

    New Diy Coopers Kit

    I have done a few batches in mine now, my thoughts... Pros - can see the ferment quite clearly - smooth inside, easy to clean, no grooves or crevices for bugs to hide - no airlock - no tap thread to clean and for bugs to hide in. - increase krausen space - easy to install tap Cons -...
  7. Kieren

    T.a.s.t.e. 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-adelaide Autumn Case Swap Threa

    It's not an over powering sickly sweetness at all. Could be just the esters and phenols put out from the yeast that gives that impression of sweetness?
  8. Kieren

    No Chill Q?

    It's considered best practice to drain into the cube at near boiling as a safe guard against any nasties that may still be in there. If you want then it could be put into an ice bath to get it below 60 degC quicker.
  9. Kieren

    T.a.s.t.e. 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-adelaide Autumn Case Swap Threa

    MaltyHops - Belgian Blonde Nice amber colour, a little hazy. A vigorous pour gave me a nice fluffy head that faded but lasted the length of the glass. Spicy aroma with phenols in the background. The phenols take over on the flavour - a nice sweet mouthful. Maybe could finish just a tad...
  10. Kieren

    Water Chemistry - Please Read This

    Rain water is considered to be void of ions for the purposes of brewing. It may differ slightly from region to region but as long as you don't live near Fukushima or are prone to acid rain you will be fine. Treat it as deionised water.
  11. Kieren

    Lookin' For A Good Commercial Stout!

    Rogue Shakespear stout :icon_drool2:
  12. Kieren

    T.a.s.t.e. 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-adelaide Autumn Case Swap Threa

    Had Raven's Robust Porter last night. Shared it with legham. Unfortunately I had bad hay fever at the time and my nose was full of mucus. So didn't pick up much on the aroma and flavour was a little subdued to me. From what I could get from it I liked it. Legham also liked it a lot too.
  13. Kieren

    T.a.s.t.e. 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-adelaide Autumn Case Swap Threa

    What's the vol on the chest freezer and where can I can get one? :)
  14. Kieren

    T.a.s.t.e. 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-adelaide Autumn Case Swap Threa

    Mayor of Mildura's Stout Great stout - a tiny bit low on the carb for me but I still like it. Nice roast character, finish is nice and dry. It's stouts like these that make me wonder why I don't brew more of them. Nice brew MoM.
  15. Kieren

    T.a.s.t.e. 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-adelaide Autumn Case Swap Threa

    Goofinder - Brown Porter Poured nice and clear, brown with dark red hues, small head, low carb - perfect. I get caramel malt and esters in the aroma - complex. Still getting used to the esters pushed out by 1187, slowly growing on me. Body is nice and light making me want another sip straight...
  16. Kieren

    T.a.s.t.e. 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-adelaide Autumn Case Swap Threa

    AussieJosh's Dark Ale Pours dark with some nice red hues. Quite clear, too. Small and long lasting head. Dark malt in the aroma, a little choc? Same in the flavour - slight sweetness upfront that fades to a dry (very slight astringent?) finish. Couldn't pick up any cascade hops - a more...
  17. Kieren

    T.a.s.t.e. 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-adelaide Autumn Case Swap Threa

    TonyC - V Twin ESB Silly me let this warm up a little out of the fridge (thinking an ESB should be drunk alittle warmer) and it did gush a little. Lovely copper colour, some haze. Slightly sweet malt on the nose. Some yeast(?) twang in the flavour. Good full body - probably from the higher...
  18. Kieren

    T.a.s.t.e. 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-adelaide Autumn Case Swap Threa

    Hatchy - New world pale ale Lively pour, prickly carbonation. Good clarity with only small amount of haze. More yeasty-ness on the nose than hops. Sweetness in the flavour and lacking a little in the hops for my liking in a NWPA. Pleasant bitterness to finish but flavour doesn't quite carry...
  19. Kieren

    Fully Automated Brewing System Design

    Hi Bandito, Been following this thread very sporadically but most of this talk about automation is above my head. I have missed something, how does one of these 3D printers help me make beer? Kieren