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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Kieren

    Craft Breweries & Pubs Around Adelaide

    You could try the King's head, though they are now brewing in QLD I believe. Their website has a list of where their beers are available from.
  2. Kieren

    Craft Breweries & Pubs Around Adelaide

    For the best Japanese in town you need to go to Yakitori Takumi :) And for good Indian - Shankers on Prospect Rd, not too far out of the city. Both have awesome food and good craft beer selection.
  3. Kieren

    Attempting The 1000 Ibu Benchmark

    I brewed this beer a while ago for an Over-The-Top case swap that never went ahead. I think people became scared to try it? It was never brewed to a specific IBU number (most of my IIPA's aren't as well, they are generally over 80 IBU's and thats all I need know). But like it has been...
  4. Kieren

    BeerFingers - 1.5Kg Amarillo SMaSH IPA

    I find that the more hops you throw at a beer during the boil the more dry hopping it can handle. 1kg of hops late in the boil will give you loads of hop character for sure and if you want a strong dry hopped character to really come through then I find I need to up my dry hopping otherwise it...
  5. Kieren

    RecipeDB - Rye Robust Porter

    Glad it worked out for you. My latest version I upped the rye to 37% of the grain bill with a few other tweaks. Need to crank this one out again soon. Only a few bottles left.
  6. Kieren

    RecipeDB - Rye Robust Porter

    Good stuff, gav. I also made a version of this recently dry hopped with citra at half the original rate and for only three days and man did the hop aroma pop out of the glass. Powerful hop that citra. Got to do an oak aged version of this beer sometime, maybe after summer.
  7. Kieren

    Christmas 2011 Lotto

    1.Mxd 2. pyrosx 3.Fents 4. peakydh 5. Waggastew 6. Petesbrew 7. Lecterfan 8. pimpsqueak 9. bullsneck 10. QldKev 11. Fents 12. QldKev 13. Felten 14. QldKev 15. Felten 16. Ekul 17. Batz 18. Ekul 19. Pennywise 20.Ekul 21.Robv 22. argon 23. Nick R 24. adz1179 25. Pokolbinguy 26. d3vour3r 27.barls...
  8. Kieren

    Australia Pale Bitter

    Interesting. I used to live in whyalla and had to order everything in. Went to the brew store/gun store/bicycle store in pt augusta once, didn't bother going back. All good advice here. If you aren't set up for lager ferments or can't be ass'd then a good neutral ale strain around 16-17the deg...
  9. Kieren

    Australia Pale Bitter

    OT, sorry. Where abouts is the new LHBS?
  10. Kieren

    Can I Just Confirm...

    Should be big enough but won't give you a lot of room to contain boil overs. I have a pre boil volume of about 31L, depending on the recipe, and find I can still have an occasional boil over with my 50L kettle if I am not paying attention.
  11. Kieren

    American Buffalo Wings

    50 metres of tabasco sauce?
  12. Kieren

    Who Is Making An Xmas Beer?

    Haven't got a xmas style beer planned but will probably brew a beer xmas day. An iipa?
  13. Kieren

    Recipe Opinions

    Seems ok to me, I would be inclined to drop the carafoam but if you think you need it then go for it. Other options if have the ability is to split the boil in two and use different hops. Once you have your base grains figured out do a run with diff specialty malts. Maybe 93/7 base malt to...
  14. Kieren

    2l Swing Top Bottles.

    As long as the beer has been brewed well, oxygen uptake kept to an absolute minimum after day 2-3 of fermentation and it is kept cold.... years, potentially.
  15. Kieren

    Pilsener Malt In An Ipa

    Not really a us hopped pilsner, more an ipa that uses a very pale barley malt that traditionally is used for lagers and other continental beer styles. Even if Czech yeast, pils water profile and lagering was used, if you bombed it late with a lot us hops then it would still be closer to a aipa...
  16. Kieren

    Assorted Blichmann Gear For Sale - Brisbane

    Will buy the kettle if you can ship to Adelaide. Will pay for postage obviously.
  17. Kieren

    =-=my Home Brewing Success Story=-=

    Can I really brew a beer better than VB?
  18. Kieren

    RecipeDB - Lord Nelson Citra Cascading out of this Galaxy Pale Ale

    Zeus = Columbus (or Tomahawk or CTZ) - same hop. It is a stupid recipe database indeed, I really don't like using it and would prefer to just post a recipe in a thread.
  19. Kieren

    Sodium Percarbonate

    For the pure stuff you need to ask the columbians
  20. Kieren

    Emergency- Hydrometer Problem

    I have used the plastic hydro from the coopers FIT kit and found mine reading 0.004 lower than it should iirc. I threw it away. Never trust a plastic hydrometer.