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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. fawnroux

    Ecu Short Brewing Course

    Some feedback on this course for those who asked. A very good course with a lot of information. So much is crammed in to the 5 days that I found once we hit a particular topic that was too much (eg effluent) my brain just went to sleep (i like peanuts! :D )The course is obviously worked around...
  2. fawnroux

    Ecu Short Brewing Course

    I concur with what the other guys have said. It's all very informative and in depth (but not in a way that goes over our heads), the first few days have been cramming in a lot of info. I think over the next few days, we'll break up into other groups, as the guys that want to take the IBD exam...
  3. fawnroux


    Where's the 'like' icon? :D Cheers! :beer:
  4. fawnroux


    Awesome! Thanks for the tips guys! :chug:
  5. fawnroux


    Aarons Hotel, corner Pier and Murray St
  6. fawnroux

    Ecu Short Brewing Course

    So there's a few more names on the CC now. Any other AHB users heading along next week apart from myself pbrosnan and the Duke?
  7. fawnroux


    I'm flying into Perth tomorrow for the week and will be staying in the city. Some good tips on where to drink here. Just wondering if any locals had any updated pubs etc to look at? I'll be doing the obligatory trip to Freo (tomorrow afternoon :D), more looking for pubs and/or restaurants...
  8. fawnroux

    New Hahn Super Dry Ad

    :lol: Thanks guys! That exactly who was thinking it was! Just couldn't place it. On a side note, I wonder if this ad will win any awards. I think it's great.
  9. fawnroux

    New Hahn Super Dry Ad

    Who's the bloke in the helicopter at the end? Looks familiar to me, and the Mrs swears she recognises him?
  10. fawnroux

    Pubs In Melbourne

    Theres been a few similar threads to this recently. I don't remember any recommending The Hofbrauhaus. Whats the locals thoughts on this German restaurant offering beer by the litre? :beer:
  11. fawnroux

    Brisbane Ahb Pub Crawl

    I missed this earlier. Thanks tallie! All interested should follow the link. Should make organising this a bit easier.
  12. fawnroux

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Had a Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA earlier this evening. I really enjoyed this beer. Hoppy, sweet, fruity. Very well balanced beer. No savage lingering bitterness. A well made ale. I would definitely have again.
  13. fawnroux

    Frozen Beer ;(

    How many litres are left? I don't fancy you'll fix it. I've been known on occasion to throw some stubbies/cans etc in the freezer for a quick cool down, and then forget about them :rolleyes: I always use the defrosted beer in cooking. Make a beer and beef stew with some! Beer batter! Depending...
  14. fawnroux

    Gage Roads 'sleeping Giant' Ipa

    Interesting. I have only bought it twice, both times already under the influence, looking for more booze! :D I recall it not being too bad (for my palette). How long ago did you have it?
  15. fawnroux

    Gage Roads 'sleeping Giant' Ipa

    From this artilce today on I wonder how far they will slide up the bitterness level. It'll be interesting to follow over the next year or so. I don't mind this beer. It's not what i'd reach for if I wanted an IPA, but if I have to buy something from BWS, I usually grab...
  16. fawnroux

    Is Speed Important In Bottling?

    Thats some shovel you've got there kymba! :lol:
  17. fawnroux

    Home Brand Lager

    Yeah, I think Zippo here is a good old fashion troll. His post contains the following pearlers 1. The classic "air lock isn't bubbling" query 2. Brewing a stout with a lager yeast at 22 degrees 3. His mates old mate reckons homebrand beer is the best, and he agrees 4. Gives arrogent response to...
  18. fawnroux

    RecipeDB - JSAA Clone

    Great recipe. I am enjoying a partial version I did of this. I used 3kg ale malt and the specs the same. Mashed at 66/67 for 60 mins. 70 for 20 then 75 for mashout. 90 minute boil Bumped up the OG with 600g dried malt extract to 22 litres. OG of 1.050, FG 1.017. 3 weeks in the fermenter at...
  19. fawnroux

    Beer Cookbook

    Looking good! Where abouts is it going to be retailing?
  20. fawnroux


    :lol: :lol: :lol: Nope, not kidding and not for charity. Just a loaded regular who wanted to buy a bottle. I personally thought it was hilarious. I'm not a fan of the guy. Anyone else I might have told them to buy it elsewhere. He wanted it, and offered that much cash to my colleague...