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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. T

    Help With Wiring Fridge

    Remember this is inductive load. even if it is only 3 or 4 amps on startup it will effectively be putting more load on the relay contacts than a resistive load. Personally on a domestic fridge, especially a 510l jobbie, i would use nothing less than 20A relay contacts. sounds a lot but remember...
  2. T

    Compressor Replacement Costs

    how old is the fridge? Look at a bit over $100 for a compressor add a bit for a new drier and gas and a couple of hours labour.
  3. T

    Help With Wiring Fridge

    The defrost thermostat runs off coil temp not compartment temp.
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    Help With Wiring Fridge

    You Could add a digital temp controller for around the same price as an OEM one. Looking at the diagram the cooling thermostat is just a single pole single throw so a simple contact is all that's needed. The freezer thermostat is just a defrost thermostat as it's set points are pre set...
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    High Pressure Lpg Regs On Ebay $30 Buy It Now

    The gameco/auscrown one is only 0-15psi
  6. T

    Ahb Yellow Pages?

    I was working on them in my last year of the navy. Maintenance fitter and fridge/Aircon mechanic here. Specialise in computer room airconditioning but still do the odd love job on domestic gear.
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    Thermostat Control

    Be very careful of external plug in types if you have a frost free fridge that gets opened regularly.
  8. T

    Nasa Hose Thread Size, What Size Bsp Thread?

    at a guess 1/8" NPT or BSP
  9. T


    I need one badly myself.
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    Stainless Conicals

    I can email him a camera.
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    North West Sydney Brew Club

    seeing as its a 10 minute walk i should be there.
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    Hole In Fridge

    Make sure the condenser is outside (if there's black coily thing on the back then it's outside). Drill very carefully just into the inside skin of the fridge where you want the line to go. stick a narrow object into the wall to make sure there a no pipes/wires in the way. Once you're satisfied...
  13. T

    I've Got My Fermentation Fridge...

    I'd use a Digital controller and do away with half of that useless wiring already there. Being a simple on/off device as a chest freezer is, you can use an external thermostat without a problem but if you can do the work yourself or have it done free, a digital setup is the go $$ wise.
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    Stainless Conicals

    before anyone else cany say, Pics???????????????
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    Does Chrome React With Beer?

    I'll add to Borrets point. I dropped by Reeces, Tradelink and Cooks plumbing at Castle Hill and none of them had any stainless fittings whatsoever. They all said they stopped stocking them as there is no demand. Fair enough they are stocking standard stuff to a booming construction area...
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    Magnetic Stir Bars

    Doc, I'm still keen for a couple and I could pick up from you and chip in for postage.
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    Am I too late to jump in on the buy? If not I'll go for 1.
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    Magnetic Stir Bars

    I'll take a couple as well.
  19. T

    3 Ring Burner

    Here is my "old faithful" burner. I rescued it from a rusting graveyard on the back of my old man's farm out in Bathurst. He acquired it back in the '50's from an old hot water service he decomissioned years ago. Anyway i dug it up, machined a new jet, fitted an air intake valve (which has...