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  1. Thunderlips

    Purchased A Kegerator

    Mine took about a week and a half.
  2. Thunderlips

    Grumpy's Boston Cream

    Pretty much. But it's a dry kit in powder form with added hops and grains. They have been around for years and have a pretty good selection.
  3. Thunderlips

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    It had a "buy now" option so someone must have wanted it for the full price.
  4. Thunderlips

    I Am Going To Buy With My Stimulus Package Money,i Am Going To Buy....

    I wont get it since I'm a lazy bugger and haven't done my tax for about the last 6 years. I really should do something about that.
  5. Thunderlips

    Bottle Alert!

    I'd be buying them regularly if they were that price but I think he's talking about Bavaria bottles.
  6. Thunderlips

    Place To Buy Glycol

    I don't know for certain but I'd suspect that would have to be illegal. Surely they are not allowed to used something that could potentially harm someone to have contact with beer line.
  7. Thunderlips

    Purchased A Kegerator

    If you look at the pictures here it does look like you could get a small bottle on the compressor hump.
  8. Thunderlips

    Whats In The Glass

    Sorry, my mistake, I thought Peter was refering to the beer in Batz glass.
  9. Thunderlips

    Whats In The Glass

    From the little bit of writing on the glass it looks like a Headmaster glass. I've got a couple myself and they really can do wonders.
  10. Thunderlips

    Alcohol Intake

    Say's who? This years scientist looking for a government grant? 2 drinks a day. Jeez, what a load of crap!
  11. Thunderlips

    Purchased A Kegerator

    I've got quite a bit of their stuff. I've seen the gas splitter they have but they only seem to have them for for two lines, not three.
  12. Thunderlips

    Purchased A Kegerator

    I wouldn't worry about the fridge itself. It's the same as those that cost over $700 to $800 and the extra bits that come with it are a nice little bonus. I don't need most of the extra bits, like the two 50L keg couplers, the regulator or the three tap font. I could easily make a quick buck...
  13. Thunderlips

    Purchased A Kegerator

    That's what I do. I'm using a gas manifold but it's a bit big and akward so I'll probably just change it for one of these...
  14. Thunderlips

    Us Glass Fermenters - Where Can I Get One?

    Regarding handles... I like the look of this thing.
  15. Thunderlips

    Purchased A Kegerator

    Got the exact same one, from the same dealer. Works fine. It comes with two 50L keg couplers, one CUB and one Tooheys. It does not come with corny keg disconnects. If you use a Lancer Pacific or Andale font you'll lose some room and will only be able to fit two 19L kegs and probably not a 50L...
  16. Thunderlips

    Choosing A Beer Font

    Kegerator is a generic term. Is it one of these... If so, as I said, an Andale or Lancer Pacific font will go down into the fridge. Most likely any kind of kegerator will have this little problem. Edit: Maybe if the font is not flooded and does not...
  17. Thunderlips

    Choosing A Beer Font

    As mika said, you can't get the Ventmatic or Shirron taps anymore. Buggered if I know why since they are so much better than your standard rear sealing tap. Perlicks are still around. Work the same as the Ventmatic/Shirron, just look a little different. Ventmatic... Perlick...
  18. Thunderlips

    Choosing A Beer Font

    That's where forward sealing taps like Ventmatic, Shirron or Perlicks come in handy.
  19. Thunderlips

    Choosing A Beer Font

    Is your kegerator a Kegmate? If so, Andale and Lancer Pacific fonts will work fine but what you need to know is that those fonts will go down through the hole on the Kegmate and take up some space so you'll only be able to actually get two 19L kegs in the fridge, not three. With mine, I can...
  20. Thunderlips

    Sheaf Stout Is The Best Value Aussie Brew

    Certainly do. Surprised no one else has mentioned it.