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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. L

    The Temple Of Beer

    Umm - every Sunday I always attend mass there is more but i cannot upload a pickey from my computer - help! lou
  2. L

    Kegging Help - Dissconnects?

    Hi ya I am abou t o purchase some kegs but am a bit confused about what sort or disconnects i need. I am getting them o/s - obviously i need 2 - gas and liquid but is it this type or this type and are these taps any good -...
  3. L

    Electric Hlt Advise...

    I think you may have a problem with the thermostat when the element goes off the wort will stop boiling immediatly there is no in between point with electric elements - they are either on boiling the wort or off. A thermostat imho is waste of time on electric boiler - you are better off...
  4. L

    Need Never Go Thirsty

    Never get thirsty again!!
  5. L

    Sourcing Equipment For A Mash Tun

    I got my mash tun - same unit for $80 in Brisbane last year at a camping store on the north side. Pickering st if i remember correctly just ring around a few of the stores - i am sure they have them - but maybe the price has gone up - dont know lou
  6. L

    Gassing With Soda Stream Machine

    Hiya hoops Can you explain a bit better about the fittings and other required to adapt the soda stream machine. What is the fitting which comes from the machine - do you need make it especially or can you put the fitting together from various bits. and what sort of tyre valve - is it a car...
  7. L

    Gassing With Soda Stream Machine

    Hi ya all is ther any reason why you could not gas your beer with an ordinary soda stream machine. I am not suggesting this would be good way to store beer for any length of time but is there any prob with just getting gassing a few litres and drinking that within a day or two be keen to...
  8. L

    Bottle Conditioning

    I'm glad you brought CC ing business - i was just going to mention it I was very suprised when after putting a few bottles in the fridge - tasted one- it tasted bad - and then leaving the other one there for a few weeks that the other bottle tasted pretty good - i happened to take it along...
  9. L

    Bottle Conditioning

    Hi ya all I have noticed in my last few brews that after the beer has finished conditioning in the fermenter it tastes great- basically ready to drink except for gassing. When I add the extra sugar (I usually bulk prime) and bottle it then takes months to clean up the green flavour. Its like...
  10. L

    Tight Arse Stir Plate

    hi ya all few ideas on a tight arse incubator i put one together many years back for an entirely diferent purpose :ph34r: All you need is a plastic tub - an aquarium heater with temp control and another container to sit in the tub - preferably ceramic - like a vase or something -...
  11. L

    Oatmeal Stout

    I did mash the oats what is everyones experience with the 1084 yeast - the profile says it a very low floculating yeast and may require filtering. lou
  12. L

    Oatmeal Stout

    Hi ya just on the question of oatmeal i put 100 g of oats in an amber ale and it has come out very cloudy - tastes great but - do you think its the oats that has made it cloudy? could also be the 1084 yeast which hasn't settled - haven't used this yeast before - but i have a feeling it is...
  13. L

    Kettle Tap Sources

    Hi ya Slugger Tony powell hoses on the southside have the taps and other bits for around $11 by memory - these are SS and they have SS hose tails for around $12 - all you need then is SS washers (i have a source of these at the end of my street :D ) a...
  14. L

    Infection Sources

    I do clean my taps and tap threads although I will pay more attention to this - also i may soak the whole fermenter in the sink so i can soak the interenal thread of the fermentor . I am fairly sure its not the yeast - i have had the same problem with dried yeast and a brand new pack of 1084...
  15. L

    Infection Sources

    Hi ya all I seem to be getting a nasty medicinal taste in a a lot of my brews and i think i have narrowed it down to an infection. Last brew i made an excellent starter which tasted fine, aerated with pump. My thinking is that it may be coming from the bottled water i buy to top up with...
  16. L

    Sosman's Mill Cracks 100

    Hi SOSman Now, being the proud owner of a brand new Barley Crusher I understand that there is a special love that exists between a man (or woman) and their mill which is unlike any other love - but i have a download limit and i can' t d/l a pic of your mill every single time a milestone renews...
  17. L

    Brisbane Water - Chloramines Dammit

    Hi ya all I have just done another AG brew - brand new 1084 yeast - made a few ****oos along the way but once agaiin I have a disgusting mediciny flavour developing in the beer. I thought Brisbane used chlorine in the water supply and so i was letting the water sit out over night before brew...
  18. L

    Oxford 152

    Its a real shame about the Reggatta - i didn't realise they had stopped brewing it wasn't 2 years ago as i used to pop in there now and then for an ale when i lived around the corner and that was only last year. They did a very nice irish ale - incredibly chocolately with loads of hop...
  19. L

    Stainless Steel Compression Nuts

    Prochem in brissy have em but they are not cheap - around the $30 mark if i remember right - theyre in geebung - ph 3265 2711
  20. L

    Stainless Steel Fittings, Couplings

    hi ya brissybrew tony powells hoses in brissy southside has most of the bits you want, ss ball valves at a good price. Prochem in brissy has some stuff too but they are more expensive but have a higher grade of stuff.There are diiferent grades cause some can be used for high pressure...