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  1. L

    Another Bulk Powells Malt Buy 4 Queenslanders

    Whats the ball park figure for a sack? I'm interested in a sack of pils and maybe a sack of munich - wheres a list of grains available? lou
  2. L

    Fermentation Temp For Pale Ales

    On that point anyone know whats a good temp to ferment a coopers recultured bottle yeast ? lou
  3. L

    Batch Sparge Intensity

    from what I understand - if the pH of your sparge water is below about 6 -5.5 you don't relly have to worry about extracting tannins - the problem with low gravity run off isn't low gravity per se - it merely indicates that if your sparge water is alkaline at low gravity readings you are likely...
  4. L

    Sourcing Tubing Clamps And Inline Valves

    Hey y'all anyone know where i can get these in oz and these I want to use them to better control my vorlauf I have seen black irrigation stuff for the valve bu ti'm fairly sure they are not foodsafe thanks lou :beer:
  5. L

    Hows My Kettle?

    I agree with the infection thing but i can't imagine my hlt polycarbonate sight glass breaking. This stuff is seriously strong I think you would need a huge amount of force to break it and would probably bend the fitting before you damaged the tube. they use polycarb for bullet proof windows...
  6. L

    Hows My Kettle?

    do a search on 'polycarbonate' or 'sight glass' there are heaps of threads on this lou
  7. L

    Urn Overheating Problem

    I had a similar problem with my boiler which had a kettle element bolted in the side. Kept shutting down - unfortunately wasn't anywhere near the end of the boil - :( Basically the element has it's own thermostat - of course there's the controlable thermostat but there is another one in the...
  8. L

    Vanilla Smell

    your can't really make up a stock solution of this stuff unless you store it in glass becasue the iodine gets absorbed by plastic and all you are left with is a weak acid solution - its annoying but a great sanitiser - you need to make it up as you use it - i go by the colour of the solution and...
  9. L

    Vanilla Smell

    I just thought of another thing - do you dechlorintate your water? - where are you goose? Brissy water where I live is heavily chlorinated so I add sod met to kill the chloramines and let them evapourate overnite or at least for a few hours lou
  10. L

    Connecting Keg To Disconnect

    I can't get any lube at the moment so I give give the inside of the disconnect a quick squirt with weak idophor solution - slippery as! slides on and off much easier - probably helps that its an acid solution lou
  11. L

    Vanilla Smell

    Once you have ruled out the sanitiser issue which i somehow think is unlikely if you are rinsing well my bet its the yeast - I never really brewed good beers with those yeasts - always found there were various off flavours - but it matters where you buy them and what condition they are in - ie...
  12. L

    Vanilla Smell

    What sort of fermenter/secondary do you use - how old is it? looks like you are kegging so no issue there. I dumped an old fermenter that always left off tastes - might be time to change your sanitiser and your fermenter - plastic ones are so pourous - they will absorb anything - pretty...
  13. L

    Stainless Steel Obsession Gone Mad

    From what i can tell thats aluminium - as an SS bling obsessive myself - wouldn't be casught dead with ALLY in MY brewery huff lou
  14. L

    Getting Old Kegs

    As a law student I can tell you from a technical point of view - its not so much the possession of the keg but the 'damage' inflicted on it that is likely to cause a problem lou
  15. L

    30lt Fermenters Snap Lid Type

    did you want clear plastic? malcolm paul sales has most of that stuff but not clear pails - cheap though! lou
  16. L

    Aeration Of Wort

    Pumpy - would you call this the 'no pump' method :lol: lou
  17. L

    The Vorlauf

    Hi ya all I just want to throw around the process of vorlaufing particularly when peaople say 'once the runnings clear, direct the runoff to your kettle' a) I use a SS braid manifold and it seems to take quite a bit of recircualting to get the wort to clear - sometimes it won't clear and...
  18. L

    Users Of The "no Chiller Method"

    I rinse with water and then soak in idophor for an hr immeadiately after emptying and then soak again for a short time before using again. I then drain and let dry. No infections yet last mash i was decanting in to the cube and I lost the siphon in my tap - left 2 lt behind : ( tried to...
  19. L

    Alternative Fermenter

    I switched to bucket fermenters recently with auto syphon - wish i had always used this system!! I found a local wholesaler of food grade plastic buckets - hunt round - some hardware places /supercheap are known to stockem. Very cheap -$8 for 20L and less for 10l and 15 lou
  20. L

    Se Qld Yeast Swap

    tentative yes if I can get a lift outa brissy anyone? lou I am interested in any wheat yeasts definitely for a split