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  1. EmptyB

    Ultratap versus Intertap

    Yeah, I'll own up to that one. I fed the trolls. In an ideal world this thread would've been locked a while ago.
  2. EmptyB

    Robobrew V3 vs Guten

    Robobrew label. I'm no expert, but doesn't "Complies with 60335.2.15" tick the electrical certification box?
  3. EmptyB

    Ultratap versus Intertap

    Yes it seems that detractors in this thread are attempting to bury actual comparison photos with irrelevant crap again. So here are links to earlier in this thread where actual comparison photos were posted:
  4. EmptyB

    Ultratap versus Intertap

    I'm not worried about what I received. I'm doing what the thread intends, which is comparing taps. Unless you have a comparison to make yourself, or an otherwise on topic contribution, I'm not sure what you're doing posting in this thread.
  5. EmptyB

    Ultratap versus Intertap

    The question that should be asked WEAL is why you're still posting conjecture. I don't care which factory they're made in, I care about what I and others receive. And there's a difference, in both look and feel.
  6. EmptyB

    Ultratap versus Intertap

    No bias nor affiliation, I've gotten involved in this thread in response to what appeared to be a significant bias and potential misrepresentation from a couple of posters in particular (on both sides of the fence - nobody is innocent here). I want to present a neutral view of the matter. It...
  7. EmptyB

    Ultratap versus Intertap

    That'd help, wouldn't it.. Left is Ultratap. Right is Intertap.
  8. EmptyB

    Ultratap versus Intertap

    As assumed, very similar pouring performance. It is worth noting that I poured a beer with the Ultratap prior to the one taken here and there was significantly more head, but I believe that's due to me pulling it a bit fast (story of my life). It appears the Intertap tolerates that a bit better...
  9. EmptyB

    Ultratap versus Intertap

    Today my new Ultratap turned up and I fitted it to my keg fridge, alongside my Intertaps. First thing I noticed is the long throw on the Ultratap as mentioned by pcmfisher and a scraping feeling as I pull the handle. Definitely some friction there, not too sure why, i'll pull it apart and take...
  10. EmptyB

    Ultratap versus Intertap again about the patent theft. Keep it on topic, patent theft will be taken care of by Keg King, they're big boys. They know how to take care of themselves. Keep this thread on topic - if you actually have any proof of theft chuck it in a new thread if you have to.
  11. EmptyB

    Ultratap versus Intertap

    I know it's a legitimate term, I didn't say it wasn't, my point is that its use in describing a non flow-control tap is unnecessary and seems to exist only as marketing jargon. If by "unlicensed copy" you mean an Intertap then I'm not sure what you mean there either, it pours equally well (since...
  12. EmptyB

    Ultratap versus Intertap

    Just went to check his profile to see last login date but his profile's not even in the system, that's weird. He probably did the mature thing and pulled out of a senseless argument and allowed people to focus on discussions of tap performance like the thread intends
  13. EmptyB

    Ultratap versus Intertap

    Promo looks good but it always bugs me when marketing videos like this use that term - "laminar flow". ANY good tap has laminar flow, if they didn't, you'd get a glass full of foam. I'm waiting on my Ultratap now so I can do a proper side-by-side with the Intertap.
  14. EmptyB

    Ramp time to mash temp

    Sorry I should correct the above - conversion occurs within 20min of hitting conversion temp. For beta amylase that's 54C. So yeah, very dry beers I'd say Someone knowledgeable like MHB might chime in and clarify that further tho
  15. EmptyB

    Ramp time to mash temp

    Conversion occurs within around 20min from mash in, so at that low of a temp, you'll be getting very dry beers I suspect. What was the FG of your batch when brewing it this way?
  16. EmptyB

    Ultratap versus Intertap

    Surely you're not calling off your lackey Beir Hearder? It'd be nice, just finding it difficult to believe. I think I will buy an Ultratap then and run some comparisons. I'm betting it'll simply be as good as my current Intertaps.
  17. EmptyB

    Ultratap versus Intertap

    You'd make a lousy politician mate. Making unsubstantiated claims, failing to produce evidence to support them, choosing instead to highlight use of naughty words and other petty remarks, despite yourself having said far worse. It's entertaining, if anything
  18. EmptyB

    Ultratap versus Intertap

    A timely reminder to anyone (if there is anyone) still watching this farcical thread that BH uttered the following racial slur against KegLand's Kee Doery; I consider my censored use of the "f" word to be about one hundredth as offensive as the above. So again, to the matter at hand, come up...
  19. EmptyB

    Ultratap versus Intertap

    Quote for me, in his words, where he called that out. The closest he says in that video, to anything relevant in your argument, is that "the Ultratap is probably the best tap he's ever made". If there were a legitimate case for patent theft KegKing will most certainly contest it and take legal...
  20. EmptyB

    Ultratap versus Intertap

    Yeah BH all you seem to do here is back up everything WEAL says, and occasionally make an extremely racist comment about one of the Kegland staff. Pull your head in. For the record I have Intertaps and they're excellent. I'd say the Ultrataps are too, they're very similar taps, and this thread...