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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    ReGrained harvests grain from craft beer makes yummy thing

    I like the sound of the choc stout coffee choc bar or maybe a IPA bar just before a workout.... lol workout pfffft
  2. M

    Ginger beer advice, first brew ever

    i dont know about your recipe but the Morgans brand Can and Kilo GB i do is pretty sweet thinking i am going to do 2 batches today :)
  3. M

    Keggle elements

    probable do sell one there are a few different versions / ways, some cheap ebay types, and of course more $$ ones i have a few different types and all have worked well just consider if you need a heat sink and cooling fan for the controller if you use one. i have let the magic blue smoke out of...
  4. M

    Keggle elements

    with some electrician help you could build a VSSR boil controller to back off the 2nd element for a less vigorous boil. the below is the sort of thing you would need (and some extra parts) its a phase angle control type module...
  5. M

    The lot has to go !

    love to see pics of the roaster I am a basic corretto user, but have not been roasting recently and going store bought.... recent increase in my goto bean has me heading back to roasting. been also dreaming of making a 2kg roaster.... have equipment but not enough time...
  6. M

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace 25l coleman cooler thing (mash tun) $10 The Gap QLD
  7. M

    Best way to carbonate water

    yeah i use the "roll with foot method" connect to gas in lay keg on side with gas post "down" roll back and forth with foot listening to burbule of gas going in think about beery goodness for a min or so stand back up and place in keezer
  8. M

    The lot has to go !

    roast coffee you do? roast in what?
  9. M

    Have I wasted $25?

    yes i made it from the Long life stuff off the shelf
  10. M

    Have I wasted $25?

    i made some for the better half with 14L of coles brand apple juice "yeast nutrient" from LHBS coopers under the lid "ale" yeast i had in the fridge fro ages back i did ferment it in a corney under pressure (spunding valve) at 20c drank it off the yeast cake she was impressed and helped me...
  11. M

    Crown Urn thermostat prevents reaching mash temp

    raise the bag and drain and see if it will boil* what you have. * maybe dump the wort into something, check the inside of urn for scorching and the tip back in and boil
  12. M

    Name the bar

    Moe's Tavern
  13. M

    30A Electric Brewery

    the BIL is my sparky and he did a new breaker and nice thick run to my brewery (only about 7M of wire) for the 15amp i was just thinking if i upgraded and was pulling 25A+ into the brewery, plus running fridge, washing, A/C and stove all at same time would a standard fuse box (with correct...
  14. M

    30A Electric Brewery

    out of interest is pulling 30a in a "normal house" easy ? do you need to get anything special out to the pole in the street etc? i have a 15amp set up (using i think 25amp screw in plugs) and was just wondering about drawing 30A down the mains from the street etc .
  15. M

    London Pubs (and Paris suggestions?)

    jealous o so jealous, Paris (France) so much to see so little time.... live it up :)
  16. M

    Getting spear back into A-type keg

    i cut them of and it fits back nice and easy obviously don't unscrew under pressure .....
  17. M

    20% off Viking Grains

    i was thinking this was a thread about making viking beer at 20% abv..... disappointment :(
  18. M

    Show Us Your Camping Keg Setup

    i buy cheaper beer 4 camping / fishing and then i appreciate my HB - coffee - toilet a lot more when i get home :) or i take a gallon of the other brewing...... i appreciate the effort you others put in but :lol:
  19. M

    First AG brew in almost 30 years.....looking for advice

    if not the malt the smell of the hops thrown into the boil is my favorite smell the neighbors must think WTF is that smell :) good luck with the brew AU Mick
  20. M

    Copper HERMS build. I

    out of interest do you need to control the temp of the HEX water or do you just "turn it on"