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  1. Dave70

    Inkbird Giveaway! Open to All!

    I'm feeling lucky!
  2. Dave70

    Inkbird Giveaway! Open to All!

    Is a bribe out of the question?
  3. Dave70

    Solar hot water - still get large electricity bills, huh?

    I guess I can see that for a brand new instillation using high end gear. But man, I'd be all over the supplier to get the bugs out. Our bills are around the $750-ish per quarter mark. Two adults plus two kids who only know how to turn electric appliances 'on'. Plus one main, two brewing and one...
  4. Dave70

    Solar hot water - still get large electricity bills, huh?

    I see cyber attacks featuring highly in future warfare, conventional arms, not so much. So that plan by Mal would make perfect sense. Perhaps he can have the trusty Collins Class subs retrofitted with launch pads suitable for V2 rockets. And have them installed in Japan.
  5. Dave70

    Solar hot water - still get large electricity bills, huh?

    Its worth a slight scalding.
  6. Dave70

    Inkbird Giveaway! Open to All!

    Dont count your chickens before the eggs have hatched!
  7. Dave70

    Lauter Helix.

    Where did you get the helix?
  8. Dave70

    Inkbird Giveaway! Open to All!

    I'll jump on the bandwagon!
  9. Dave70

    Inkbird Giveaway! Open to All!

    Until you run out of idioms.
  10. Dave70

    Solar hot water - still get large electricity bills, huh?

    By 2024 Elon Musk will be selling batteries the size of grain silos that plug into your house and flash charge your Tesla just by parking it nearby. These will be replenished by energy harvested directly Musks own marketing hype.
  11. Dave70

    Solar hot water - still get large electricity bills, huh?

    You know you can tamper with the tamper proof thermostatic mixing valve if you need to. Had to ramp ours up. My wife likes to shower in water just below boiling temp.. (Dont forget to throw your hat in the ring for the Inkbird draw mate, its going right off!!)
  12. Dave70

    Inkbird Giveaway! Open to All!

    Perhaps the losers would be interest in a bulk buy? I mean, the interest sure seems to be there. Right in your wheelhouse mate!
  13. Dave70

    Solar hot water - still get large electricity bills, huh?

    Christ.. Could have got a decent 5kw solar set up for that coin.
  14. Dave70

    Solar hot water - still get large electricity bills, huh?

    As a former plumber, I would love to *hear what you got for 6.5k.. *here...*
  15. Dave70

    Inkbird Giveaway! Open to All!

    88, two fat ladies 88!!
  16. Dave70

    Steamrail Pale Ale

    I think something fishy about the reviews. I find it hard to believe a home brewer with any level of experience would rate this beer. Says the five star allocating 50 yer VB drinker 'Bob Spence".. by Bob Spence, on June 15, 2014 As a home brewer for the past 5 years, and a Victorian...
  17. Dave70

    Inkbird Giveaway! Open to All!

    Have we got a winner yet?
  18. Dave70

    Inkbird Giveaway! Open to All!

    I Or an invention contest. Here's my idea.
  19. Dave70

    Inkbird Giveaway! Open to All!

    Perhaps their computers were broken. Or their typing fingers were afflicted with painful arthritis. Or they didn't value temperature control until last Friday. Or they're bad at storytelling. Or like me, they thought an 'Inkbird' it was some kind of printer. Honestly, I'm like, why the ****...
  20. Dave70

    Inkbird Giveaway! Open to All!

    Can we make it a short story contest? A story about beer perhaps? How will you select a winner? Will it be like loto? Or KENO?