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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. lukasfab

    IPA with not much going for it

    hops are not old by any means yeah I don't think there was enough hops for just a cude addition suggestion on fixing this one?
  2. lukasfab

    IPA with not much going for it

    brewed the following all cube hopped IPA and it doesn't have much flavour BB Pale 4.8kg 88.89% Dex .5kg 9.26% caramunich .1kg 1.85% Amarillo 42g cascade 42g centennial 52g chinook 52g brewmate says 62 ibu SG 1.062 into FV at 21 lt, I maxi biab so the wort was around 1.080 in...
  3. lukasfab

    Kegging Setups

    my sauce is always in the fridge once opened?????
  4. lukasfab


    yeah your right Stu, I do remember there were issues last year you would think they would have it sorted this year would be good to know what a beer cost though
  5. lukasfab


    2 tickets for me at this stage mate :beerbang:
  6. lukasfab


    sounds good Nev! get back to you on this
  7. lukasfab

    Chilling MashPot...

    well that would make it easier will try topping up from the tap next time
  8. lukasfab

    Chilling MashPot...

    ATM I always brew over gravity beer and top up with boiled water do you guys top up with cold water straight from the tap? sorry bit OT
  9. lukasfab

    how to brew a kit beer?

    Oh so with the water you can top up straight from tap if you like No need to boil it? I will probably fill from the filter
  10. lukasfab

    how to brew a kit beer?

    Perfect! Thanks guys
  11. lukasfab

    how to brew a kit beer?

    in under 1hr?? thats what I need right now, excellent! so is this the sort of can I would need to get? so mix this with 10l of water or wort from steeped grains, boil, add my hops, pour into FV with cold...
  12. lukasfab

    how to brew a kit beer?

    for the next couple months I will be busy and wont have time to brew AG the only brewing I have done is AG so I have no idea about kit stuff but I assume its much quicker? I have heaps of hops and some types of crystal malts so what do I need to do to pump out some decent APA or IAPA? thought...
  13. lukasfab

    first time Stout

    I force carb maybe need more then?
  14. lukasfab

    first time Stout

    No one?
  15. lukasfab

    first time Stout

    Anyone? Does it just need some time?
  16. lukasfab

    Perth - Free Cascade Rhizomes

    I'm in canning vale mate, will take one tomorrow if possible Pm me your number mate Cheers
  17. lukasfab

    first time Stout

    Had this for a month in fermenter, 2 weeks at 3c Only couple days in keg When poured it seems flat and get no head at all? Tasting seems fine on carbonation, bit scared to add more incase I over do it Any thoughts?
  18. lukasfab

    WA English Ale Fest, Interested ?

    would like to be in but never done an english beer what could I do that relatively easy?
  19. lukasfab

    mild-wanting to brew in morning

    yep 21lt OG 1039 FG 1017 no i dont give a toss about bjcp, will try again with biscuit and roast thanks guys
  20. lukasfab

    mild-wanting to brew in morning

    hi manticle brewed this one and it seems very thin and not a great deal of flavour? any hints Grain Bill ---------------- 2.600 kg Pale Ale Malt (74.1%) 0.483 kg Caraaroma (13.76%) 0.300 kg Munich I (8.55%) 0.126 kg Chocolate (3.59%) Hop Bill ---------------- 22.0 g East Kent Golding Pellet...