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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. E

    When To Bottle Part 2

    Thanks all - I will bottle tonight!!
  2. E

    When To Bottle Part 2

    Hi, I am brewing a Coopers Bav Larg. Fermintation started 16 days ago (average temp 18 deg). The SG has stabilised at about 1.012 now for about 3 days; however the airlock is very lightly bubbling away. Should I bottle now? How long is too long in the fermentation kit? thanks
  3. E

    Cooper Pet

    Are the Coopers PET bottles as good as glass? I am back brewing after a 4 year absence. Last time I was brewing I used old bottles but threw them out a few years ago. Views on PET are welcome!! thanks
  4. E

    Ferment Temp

    Thanks all. I have now got the temp down to 22 deg. Outlook for Melb is cool for the next week. All might be OK. thanks again
  5. E

    Ferment Temp

    Thanks all - will do. Melb to hard to predict the next few days should help!!
  6. E

    Ferment Temp

    Hi, I put down my first kit brew in four years. The temp over the last 2 days has averaged 24 to 26 deg. I have now got it down to about 22. Am I best: 1. getting rid of the lot and starting fresh; 2. continuing and only bottling half; or 3. continue as normal (and cross my finger) in the hope...